Doctor: “Unvaccinated People Are Not Dangerous; Vaccinated People Are Dangerous”

We live in a seriously warped world.

It’s no wonder people don’t know what to believe anymore.

If you turn on the mainstream media, they will tell you it’s the unvaccinated people who are dying of COVID-19.

Yet, if you tune out the mainstream, you will find lots of doctors speaking out about COVID-19 vaccines. Several instances of this happened last Friday at the FDA Hearing.

“Unvaccinated People Are Not Dangerous; Vaccinated People Are Dangerous”

Dr. Christian Perronne made some rather startling remarks back in August.

Before I share his remarks, I want you to know Dr. Perronne’s background.

He was Vice-president of the European Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation at the World Health Organization. He is author or co-author of more than 300 scientific publications.


So he certainly has a decorated career in medicine.

Here is the video of what he said, and the transcript below.

Dr. Christian Perronne said,

“Vaccinated people are at risk of the new variants and transmit it. It’s been proven in different countries so vaccinated people should be put in quarantine and should be isolated from society.

Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others.

It’s proven in Israel now, where I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel. They’re having big problems now; severe cases in hospitals are among vaccinated people. And in the UK also, you had a larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

The fact the mainstream media remains silent on such matters indicates we have no fair media at all. Especially since social media continually bans any thought contrary to the mainstream.

It indicates, those in influential positions are so stuck in their COVID-19 paranoia, they cannot see anything else. Our nation and world are being radicalized by their paranoia.

The fact that 14,925 people have died, and another 701,561 have suffered side effects from COVID-19 vaccines should be reason enough to end the vaccination campaign.

Especially since people are being forced out of their jobs over it. In fact, that has become such a problem, one hospital is going to stop delivering babies as 25% of their workforce is refusing vaccination and expected to be fired.

By the way, all of the COVID-19 vaccines still do not have full approval, no wonder the FDA just voted against booster shots.

Who Is Vaccinated?

As much as the mainstream media talks about unvaccinated people, you would think everyone is vaccinated.

Yet, that’s not the case at all!

Here is the state of COVID-19 Vaccinations in the United States per the CDC.

Looking at that chart, for those aged 12 and over we find:

  • 74.6% received at least one dose of vaccine
  • 63.9% are fully dosed

Despite such a high vaccination rate, all the mainstream media can talk about is more and more cases of COVID-19.

Doesn’t that make you scratch your head?

If the vaccines were working, cases should be going down, not up.

The fact of the matter is very simple.

Vaccinations are not the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why so many doctors keep stepping forward and explaining that. The problem is, we are not hearing from them as this information is being suppressed by the mainstream media and social media.

In reality, information is the solution to the problem at hand.

Most People Have Mild COVID-19 Illness

COVID-19 is only high risk for those in a comprised state of health. That’s why when you dive into the CDC’s own data, we find just 32,046 people have died solely of COVID-19. Everyone else died with COVID-19 and 4 other illnesses.


Most people have mild COVID-19 illness and can recover at home without medical care.


Folks, your family, friends, and co-workers are never going to know about these truths unless you explain it to them. You have to do that tactfully, and professionally.

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