‘Vaccines Killed Two People To Save One Life’: FDA Hearing

Amazing videos coming out from the FDA hearing on Friday. I will share a couple in just a moment.

Here’s the scoop, the Food and Drug Administration’s advisory panel voted 16-2 on Friday against widespread COVID-19 booster shots. However, the panel said boosters could be made available for those 65 and older who have a high risk of severe illness.

Overall, this is a tremendous victory for freedom!

We can thank God, the people, and the doctors who were present at the 8 hour FDA hearing to state their case. They questioned and explained the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines.

Let me share some of those videos with you.

‘Vaccines Killed Two People To Save One Life’

Listen to what Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the COVID-19 early treatment fund had to say at the FDA hearing.

Here are some of the quotes from that clip.

We were led to believe vaccines are perfectly safe, but that is not true. Even if the vaccines had 100% protection, it still means we killed two people to save one life.

The real numbers confirm we kill more than we save.

This is absolutely explosive!

50% of vaccinated people died and zero percent of the unvaccinated people died. Unless you can explain that to the American public you cannot approve the boosters.

This quote concerned a set of cases in a nursing home.

What Kirsch explained ties right into what we know about Israel from Science.org, (and Alaska).

Israel has among the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine. Yet the country is now logging one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people. More than half are in fully vaccinated people

‘Over A 1000% Increase In Adverse Vaccine Events For 2021’

Dr. Jessica Rose explained,

There is an over 1000% increase in adverse events for 2021.

She provides a graph in the video.

This data all comes from the VAERS database. The official numbers stand at:

Due to the various COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Rose had more to say,

It appears from this data, this represents a clear failure of these productsThis begs the question as to whether these injections are driving the new variants

Wait a second, the vaccines could be driving the new variant…

Where have I heard that before?

Now all of this happened before the FDA Hearing which led to their 16-2 vote against widespread use of COVID-19 booster shots!

This places a massive hit into the campaign of President Biden and Dr. Fauci to ensure everyone is vaccinated and continues with booster shots.

This development is astounding.

Yet, in order to gain traction with the public, and for there to be an outcry, we need people like you to educate your, family and friends.

The mainstream media is certainly not going to air this.

Note: Without booster shots, it deems the entire vaccination campaign dead. It’s proven, mainstream and or otherwise, the vaccines wane. Without a booster shot, the vaccines are pointless and destroy the mainstream narrative.

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