Dr. Fauci Questions Safety Of COVID Vaccines

Dr. Fauci has repeatedly told the American people vaccines are safe. Despite thousands of people dying from them, and tens of thousands who have been injured by them.

Yet, during a White House Press Briefing, Dr. Fauci said of the COVID vaccines,

If you can show that it’s safe and that in fact it induces the kind of response that is reflective of the protection — mainly the correlate of immunity…

New York Post

What does he mean “if”?

That is a conditional statement, either the vaccines are safe, or they are not.

Fauci goes on to say, “if” all goes well with the vaccines. By summer, the government can start vaccinating children. Read closely what Fauci says below.

He acts like we are all test subjects.

When you have a situation like a new vaccine, you want to make sure, because children as well as pregnant women, are vulnerable, so, before you put it into the children, you’re going to want to make sure you have a degree of efficacy and safety that is established in an adult population, particularly an adult, normal population.

Why did the government not “make sure” before giving the vaccine to the general population?

I thought they were already “sure” COVID vaccines were safe…

I thought they already tested the safety of the vaccine in “clinical trials”. Why is Fauci over here saying we have to monitor the actual population to check the efficacy before giving the vaccine to children and pregnant women?

That is all slightly disturbing.

So in the same interview, Fauci questions COVID vaccine safety. Then he goes on to say, COVID vaccines need to be tested on the general population before giving them to pregnant women and children.

This sounds like some freak show, some scientific experiment on the masses. It becomes more obvious to me, these people do not know what they are doing.

Yet, they expect us to listen to them, when the data says COVID’s mortality rate is .02%?

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