El Paso, Texas Knocking On Doors, Issuing Citations For Contact Tracing Failures

El Paso Texas has taken extreme measures to enforce its contact tracing program, even coming to your door to ensure you are in compliance.

“We’re issuing local health authority isolation quarantine orders that were delivered by the education task force along with a peace officer delivered straight to their home,” Dr. Hector Ocaranza, El Paso Health Authority, said.


When someone tests positive for COVID-19, El Paso then performs a contact trace to see who the individual has come in contact with. If those who test positive fail to respond to the “contact tracer”, they just might get a knock on the door and a “citation”.

Other articles indicate the city has been slow to follow up with patients.

However, this article indicates law enforcement is being dispatched to people’s homes.

We’ve done over 140 citations, hundreds of warnings, and those efforts are very aggressive. We’re going to be doing sweeps over the weekend just to make sure people are in compliance.

Jorge Rodriguez, Deputy Chief of Office of Emergency Management

All over a virus with a 99.98% survival rate.

Folks, all we can do is continue to educate people. That is tough to do when the mainstream media runs 24/7. The virus is being used as a tool to remove our freedoms. This reminds me of what is occurring in Australia.

Here is local news coverage concerning what is going on in El Paso, Texas.

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