Would You Believe, Europe Is Buying Record Amounts Of Russian Gas?

Is there ever a day when the government and media are not playing fear and doom?

I didn’t think so.

Just days ago, it was announced Russia’s new Sarmat nuclear missile was put on combat duty. That means she’s ready to rock and roll.


Newsweek didn’t spare a moment to spin up some more doom to rope in their faithful audience. They made sure to tell us about the “Russian propagandist” who threatened a nuclear strike on the United States.

That’s not even the whole story or context.


The reality is, Ukraine is fighting a losing battle, which means, the United States is fighting another losing battle.

Hey, we just pulled out of Afghanistan a year or so back, that was a big loser.

  • Before that, it was Iraq, loser.
  • Then Syria, which was yet another loser of a war.

The only thing the United States managed to accomplish, was to spread their empire, and kill citizens of foreign nations, not to mention sacrifice their own in another senseless wars.

I think, I hope most people realize that by now…

Though, if they did, I would expect to hear more people bringing this up, since we’re heading toward yet another Presidential election. Instead, most just latch onto whatever is trending in the media or the folk running for office.

Same ol, same ol.

Since we’re on the Ukraine kick…

Remember how it was a sin to conduct any business with Russians due to the war?

I mean, the United States was over their seizing yachts from Russian billionaires.

However, the Europeans are burning Russian gas faster than before the war.

I know, you just can’t believe it, so, here’s the data.


And since you’re just dying for more information on this new development, here’s a quote.

In the first six months of 2023, EU countries bought 40% more Russian LNG than they did in 2021, amounting to $5.7 billion in revenue for Russia, according to an analysis this week by the advocacy group Global Witness.

This makes Europe the biggest customer for Russian LNG; only the U.S. sells more LNG to the bloc.


There you have it.

So all you people out there with your Ukrainian flags on your house and car…

Do me a favor, take it down and peal it off.

Your politicians don’t give a rip about your beliefs. They care about one thing, propaganda, and what makes them popular compared to the other guy.

I don’t know about you, but I feel the winds of change again… They’re coming, and Ukraine’s days of support are beginning to run out.

At least, that’s what the governments of Europe are telling us.

I mean, how can you buy Russian gas in one breath, but kill Russians in the next?

Insanity never ends on the planet we call, earth.

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