BRICS Double In Size To Challenge World Order

There’s big news on the world’s stage that you probably haven’t heard about…

The BRICS economic bloc just concluded their 15th annual meeting and it was a doozy. They say 60 nations joined the summit, 60 nations looking to challenge the current world order.

The BRICS was founded back in 2009 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China. A year later, South Africa joined the club, hence the acronym: BRICS.

It’s been an economic club with ambitions for 15 years, but few developments have emerged.

That is, until this year…

Just days ago, the BRICS economic bloc more than doubled in size.

China’s President Xi said of the expansion,

“This membership expansion is historic. It shows the determination of BRICS countries for unity and development.”

Washington Times

The following six nations will officially join the club in 2024:

  1. Argentina
  2. Egypt
  3. Ethiopia
  4. Iran
  5. Saudi Arabia
  6. United Arab Emirates

The last three should really stand out.

Those are some of the world’s biggest oil-producing nations. Interestingly enough, earlier this year Iran and Saudi Arabia mended political ties. This is a big deal since they stand on opposite sides of the Muslim faith.

There’s no doubt, the preceding peace deal made way for their ascension into the BRICS. This displays coordination between a global faction at odds with the West.

Now, the BRICS primarily consists of developing nations. For the last year and a half, there’s been tremendous interest in joining the economic bloc.


To challenge the Western-dominated world order.

An order with the United States dollar at the helm of nearly all international financial transactions. As a result of that power over other nations, the United States often places economic sanctions on nations that refuse its ideology.

I’ve explained this many times in the past. I’ve explained how these nations are tired of Washington’s influence and meddling in the affairs of their own nation. Don’t just take my word for it though, let’s hear it from them.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said,

Tectonic shifts are taking place in the world today… We are witnessing the emergence of a more just multipolar world order.”


That’s the last thing the West wants, a rising power in the East to challenge its superiority.

Lavrov continued.

The international community is tired of the blackmail and pressure from the Western elites and their colonial and racist manners.

That is why, for example, not only Russia, but also a number of other countries are consistently reducing their dependence on the US dollar, switching to alternative payment systems and national currency settlements.”

The portion in bold I explained long ago.

This is why many nations are divesting from the U.S. dollar. This is why so many nations are flocking to the BRICS. They don’t want their nation to be held captive by the West over the West’s morally obscure ideology.

You know, “diversity and inclusion.”

A slogan that has become a standard across corporate America.

Lavrov was not alone in condemning the West’s abusive behavior.

India’s Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar wrote,

…the concentration of economic powerleaves too many nations at the mercy of too few’, and of the need to reform global decision-making including by the United Nations Security Council.

Geo Political Economy

Truer words were never spoken.

South Africa’s ambassador chimed in saying,

“The days of a dollar-centric world is over. That’s a reality. We have a multipolar global trading system today.”

Fox News

The nations of the world witnessed how Russia’s assets were seized by the West due to the war in Ukraine. They witnessed the “collective West” rise to the occasion and continually fund Ukraine’s war, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

They know, they could be next.

It’s interesting to note, the economic power of the BRICS has continuously risen since its inception.

As we can see, along one economic metric, they have now surpassed the G7.

That’s the Western Group of 7 nations consisting of:

  1. Canada
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. Italy
  5. Japan
  6. United Kingdom
  7. United States

In fact, trade between China and other BRICS members rose 19% from January to July to $330 billion. Today, the BRICS account for 25% of the global economy and 42% of the global population.

Mind you, that’s before the addition of the six new BRICS members.

Therefore, this clearly tells us there is a great political and ideological divide between the West and East. There is division growing in the world, not only among the West and East, but within the nations of the West as well.

When we bring the Bible into the discussion, this reality is eerily similar to Revelation 13.

Revelation 13:3
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Today, we see a global order that is fractured.

The current world order is the remnant of the economic order established back in the 1940s. It no longer suits our modern world, an admission even the Western politic has admitted. This order only benefits a few, at the expense of the many.

In the future, God’s Word tells us that any future global order will be “wounded to death.” This tells us, that either the order of today, or a future order will come together, but become fractured to the point of its collapse.

I believe this Biblical event applies to a future order, not the one in existence today. It’s very possible, the West will continue to be challenged, and they will be forced to give way to a new order at some point.

It’s that order that will receive the deadly wound, and watch out for what comes next.

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