FDA Poised To Ban Menthol Cigarettes To Protect Black Americans +

Raise your hand if you are tired of hearing about race. Don’t feel bad, I am raising my hand too. Yet, these are world events and we need to talk about this subject. Apparently, the Federal government does not think Black Americans are capable of making their own health decisions.

Personally, I find that offensive, and I’m not even Black!

The Food and Drug Administration appears likely to move to ban menthol in cigarettes this week — a step, experts say, that has been years in the making and that could have a significant positive impact on the health of Black Americans.


What about the health of Mexicans, Asians, Indians, and dare I say Caucasians?

Who cares says the FDA.

For the record, even if the ban comes into effect, it will take years before anything really changes.

So you have to just read this block of text for yourself, then we can talk about it.

When inhaled, menthol produces a cooling sensation in the throat, reducing the harsh taste of cigarettes and the irritation of nicotine. The vast majority of Black smokers — 85 percent — use menthol cigarettes. And Black men and women are much less likely than white Americans to be diagnosed with lung cancer at an earlier, potentially more treatable stage. Black men have the highest lung cancer death rate in the country.

“When you combine high rates of smoking with systematic racism in health care systems, you have a tremendous health disparity,” said Erika Sward, national assistant vice president for advocacy at the American Lung Association. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health recently announced plans to address structural racism in health care.

So Black Americans are less likely to develop lung cancer at earlier stages in their life. Yet, they have the highest lung cancer death rate in the country. So that means it’s due to “systematic racism in health care systems” and not their personal health decisions.


I find it unbelievable how everyone finds it acceptable for the government to step in and hold the hand of one race of people. I find it offensive to all races and especially the race having their handheld.

Folks, regardless of our skin color, we are all human beings. Adult human beings who are in fact capable of making adult decisions. Maybe they are not always the right ones, but that is our choice in life. Life is all about choices and having the freedom to make choices.

Critical Race Theory Is About to Face Its Day(s) in Court

So another big topic here is “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) which teaches (brainwashes) government employees that the founding of this once great nation was built upon racism.

Beautiful huh?

I found this article, Critical Race Theory Is About to Face Its Day(s) in Court that discusses critical race theory. It also discusses lawsuits that are flying around over this truly divisive topic.

I have to share this clip with you.

So you understand, the two white men are suing California over critical race theory.

In the California lawsuit brought by the two white men, a discussion hosted by the state Department of Fish & Wildlife featured speakers who said that black people don’t use the outdoors in proportion to their population because of white racism, generational trauma and a historical fear of lynching. White employees were instructed on the country’s deeply racist legal system and advised that “silence is complicity” when it comes to racial injustice. According to the lawsuit, employees were subjected to implicit bias training that amounted to compelling staff to take “loyalty oaths” to CRT ideology. The lawsuit, filed last October, is in the early procedural stage; the state’s lawyers are seeking to have the case dismissed.

Can you believe this?!!!

I literally laughed out loud while reading!

This is what our tax dollars are going towards, to brainwash federal and state workers and enable more racism.

Black folks do not go hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking because they are scared of getting lynched. Good Lord, what a horrible thing to say. Black folks do not go hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking as much as Whites as it’s not their thing. Just as Mexicans, Asians, Indians, etc are far less likely to participate in these activities.

I mean come on folks, apply their logic to other races.

So are Mexicans, Asians, Indians, etc afraid of getting lynched too?


They simply have other things they enjoy doing, while White folk prefer the outdoors. I am not much into hunting and fishing myself, but I like camping and hiking.

So I have to ask the question.

Who sits there in these brainwashing sessions and listens to this utter bull (you finish it)?

Are people incapable of standing up for anything these days?

It would be impossible for me to sit in a brainwashing session and absorb this without rebuttal. It’s just not in my blood to go along with a lie.

Folks, as the days go on. We all need to stand up for our beliefs, no one is going to do it for you. We all need to educate our families, and understand the issues of our time, or we are doomed to fail together.

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