Good News: OK, MT, AZ, ID Sign Pro-Life Bills Into Law!

We have lots of good news in the last week or so! Let’s break it down.


Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed three pro-life bills into law Monday, including one that prohibits abortions if a heartbeat is detected and another that suspends the medical license of doctors who perform an abortion.

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Governor Stitt said, “I’m keeping my promise to sign all pro-life legislation”.

We are proud of you sir!


Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte signed three bills on Monday restricting abortion access in the state, celebrating it as a success after several attempts to pass similar measures in previous years were vetoed by former Democratic governors.


These bills are not perfect, but at this point, we need to make any progress we can get. Coming out of COVID, I will take all the pro-Christian news I can get. Celebrate this one folks.


Gov. Doug Ducey (R) of Arizona signed a bill into law Tuesday that expands protections for unborn children with a prenatal diagnosis of a disability such as Down syndrome. Senate Bill 1457 bans providers from performing abortions “knowing that the abortion is sought because of a genetic abnormality of the child.”


This is also a good bill, though I would have liked to see it reach further. As an FYI, there are times when a doctor can misdiagnose down syndrome and the baby is actually perfectly healthy.


Idaho Gov. Brad Little approved House Bill 366, titled the Fetal Heartbeat Preborn Child Protection Act, which bans abortions of preborn babies with detectable heartbeats. The bill, sponsored by State Sen. Patti Anne Lodge and State Rep. Steven Harris, protects most babies by around six weeks of pregnancy, though it allows for exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or “medical emergency.”

Abortion providers who abort babies with detectable heartbeats could face up to five years in prison under the law, and pregnant women who undergo outlawed abortions could sue them.


Look at all these victories in less than a week’s time.

Thank you Lord!

On another note, I am beginning to see more state legislation against COVID passports and against federal firearm bans. Keep hounding your state and local governments. They need to hear the voice of the people to undo so much perversion and wickedness that has been put against the people.

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