Fed Is Developing Digital Dollars To Replace Paper Money

The Federal Reserve is creating and testing a “hypothetical” digital currency, equivalent of cash. It is known as Digital Dollars. We talked about this in Global Digital Identification Is Coming: ID2020.

Digital Dollars

We know Digital Dollars were in the recent bailout, but removed before the bill was signed. We also know there is a new bill, S.3571 which seeks to create Digital Dollars along with a Digital Wallet and this digital currency system will be stored in the Federal Reserve.

If this became our reality, we would in fact lose all control over our ability to purchase goods. I saw that as the government could easily lock you out of the system for failing to comply with whatever their latest directive may be.

Cash is our last hope for freedom.

Help The Poor

Unfortunately, this sort of news is everywhere in various forms. Take for example this article, “To Help the World’s Poor, Put Money on Their Phones“.

That article is public brainwashing. They would have you believe, in order to help the poor we need digital money so “direct payment injections” can be made to them directly from the Federal Reserve of course. If you are thinking, “Universal Basic Income” you are doing well.

We are being told the poor cannot afford a bank account, yet they can afford the latest and greatest phone along with the monthly service fee. I may have been born at night folks, but not last night.

So we can see, this has nothing to do with helping the poor. All this really does is rationalize their radical digital dollar idea in your mind so it becomes easier to accept.

Things are headed south, very fast.

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