Federal Judge Rules Christian College Must Allow Biological Men To Share Showers With Women

In Missouri, a Federal Judge ruled against the Christian College of the Ozarks saying, they must allow biological (transgender) men to shower with women. The misguided Judge aligned herself with the pro-transgender illegal Executive Order of President Joe Biden that was signed on his inauguration day.

Judge Roseann Ketchmark of the District Court of Western Missouri ruled against the College of the Ozarks, a Christian college which had sued President Joe Biden’s administration over its transgender discrimination policies, lawyers representing the school said Wednesday evening. The college had challenged Biden over his Jan. 20 executive order, which prevented schools from denying children access to bathrooms of their choosing.

Daily Caller

Julie Marie Blake, senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) said,

Women shouldn’t be forced to share private spaces, including showers and dorm rooms with males, and religious schools shouldn’t be punished simply because of their beliefs about biological sex. The Biden administration’s overreach continues to victimize women, girls and people of faith by gutting their legal protections, and it must be stopped.

Blake did a good job explaining here, except for Christian “beliefs about biological sex”.

Our biological sex is not a belief, it is a scientific fact.

  • If you are born with a penis, you are a man.
  • If you are born with a vagina, you are a woman.

Period, end of story, end of discussion.

Yet, the radical LGBT movement seeks to confuse and confound your mind. They want to alter your perception of reality so you and others conform to their agenda. We commonly hear of slogans such as “love conquers hate” and so on to support their inhuman movement.

These catchphrases and slogans help paint the picture that we should accept their behavior. Yet, when one really dives into the transgender movement, it is beyond disturbing. We will be sharing some of those disturbing details with you in another article.

Despite facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, College of the Ozarks vows to continue the fight.

“While we are disappointed in today’s ruling, we expect to appeal so that schools are not forced to open girls dorms to males and violate their religious beliefs,” College of the Ozarks Chief Communications Officer Valerie Coleman said during the Wednesday press briefing.

I thank God for organizations like this College that are not only fighting for their rights, but all of our rights.

Those supporting the LGBT agenda are unified. They continually work together to drive their agenda forward. This unification led to Congress passing the Anti-Christian, Pro-LGBT Equality Act. An Act that would nullify our right to free speech, nullify our right to serve God how we choose, nullify teaching certain passages from the Bible.

Congress passed the Equality Act back in February, and since that time, we have not heard much about it. This disturbs me greatly considering June is next month, which is gay pride month.

Will the U.S. Senate unify in June to pass this abominable bill?

A bill that would certainly be signed by President Biden.

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