Former Pfizer VP: Vaccine Passports May Lead To ‘Totalitarian Control Of Entire Population Forever’

Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon has issued a dire warning to the world. Considering the source of this information, I encourage you to take this very seriously, and pay close attention to what Yeadon explains.

If you have been a reader of our site during the last year, none of this should surprise you. Many people are confused about why COVID-19 occurred. Yet, we have continually explained throughout the unfolding narrative this has been about control from the beginning.

  • You were controlled when you were forced to wear a mask.
  • You were controlled when you were told you needed to socially distance.
  • You were controlled when you were told to stay at home.

Every time the television came on, or social media, you were controlled and conditioned to accept COVID-19 as a doom event for the world. We continually explained it was hyped and overstated.

Many understood this. Unfortunately, some went off into left field citing conspiracy theories stating the vaccine was going to kill millions of people. Conspiracies all based on nothing but speculation. This did not help our cause.

COVID-19 and anything related to it is about control. As COVID-19 did not kill millions, neither will/has the vaccines.

Listen very carefully.

COVID-19 and vaccines are about controlling your thought process. They are about controlling your decisions and making you accept the measures governments of the world impose upon their citizenry.

COVID-19 was the boogieman used to get you to cede your freedoms. The vaccines are the solution to the boogieman, yet they also require you to cede your freedoms for safety in the form of vaccine passports.

Friends, if you remove the virus and vaccines from the equation, this is about using an event to control you and change the world. That is exactly what happened during 9/11.

COVID-19 is our new 9/11 event. Only this time, it’s global.

So we must stand against those who wish to remove our rights and place us under dictatorships. While this appears to be a clear sign of global government forming, that does not mean we lay down our spiritual sword. It means we pick up our shield and fight against it.

This could go on for 20 years or more, no one knows.

God never told Christians to stand down, He said stand up. Stay in the field working for Him until His Return, (Matthew 24:36-42).

All throughout the Bible Christians have made stands against wicked governments. Nowhere in the Bible does God say to allow evil to triumph. That is a defeatist attitude, one I will never accept.

Please think about that, read it again if needed.

With that, the following is from Dr. Yeadon.

Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon

Source: America’s Front Line Doctors

Begins: Dr. Yeadon Commentary

Those who think vaccine passports are good or at least ok, I’m addressing you.

If you were a vulnerable person and have been vaccinated, you’re protected. You don’t need to know others’ immune status. Note, even if they’ve been vaccinated, that doesn’t guarantee they can’t carry a single virus particle and donate it to you. So it doesn’t help you or make your safer to know everyone else has been vaccinated.

If you’ve declined vaccination, for example, because you’re not at risk from this virus, noting younger people are at MORE risk from influenza than from COVID-19, you also don’t need to know anyone else’s immune status.

Vaccination protects those who need it. Vaccine passports protect nobody.

But vaxpass is useful to our overlords. It’ll be the worlds first common format database, operable anywhere from Bolton to Bogota, containing your unique digital ID and an editable health status flag (initially about vaccination status).

Who controls that database and any algorithm governing what it permits and denies has absolutely totalitarian control over every aspect of your life.

Imagine a future in which a valid Vaxpass is required to enter a sport ground or museum. Invalid Vaxpass, no entry.

Now imagine the rules are hardened up (they will be). Now you can’t enter large shopping malls or hotels without a valid pass.

Further? Sure, why not. The algorithm is tweaked and now you cannot enter large supermarkets or any public transport.

A tyrannical step might be a Visa/MasterCard tweak that requires a valid Vaxpass BEFORE a terminal will open up for a purchase transaction.

Now you can’t even buy a bottle of water. Or fuel. Or anything.

Ping! Your Vaxpass orders you to report for your top up vaccine. If you don’t, your pass expires. Do you think you’ve got a choice?

Ping! You’re reminded to bring your grandson in, too, as his mother hasn’t. If you don’t, your pass becomes invalid, as does the baby’s mother’s pass. Still think you’ve got a choice?

The fact that I can easily come up with examples must tell you at least that the potential for utterly totalitarian control of the entire population forever lies like a worm at the centre of this beyond-Orwellian future.

It’s not speculative. We’re told this system is about to happen. You’ll be coerced to be vaccinated or you’ll rapidly be marginalised.

Once you’re vaccinated, the limited freedoms they allow you can be withdrawn at any moment.

Don’t kid yourselves that “no one would be this evil”. I refer you to numerous examples during the last century. There are plenty of evil people and the only difference here is SCALE and the irreversible nature of it.

Now you’ve seen what is so easy to do to take complete control of a whole society, you MUST object and find ways to prevent a vaccine passport system from coming into being. By any and all means necessary.

Finally, to those who say this is all a series of unfortunate and incompetent errors, please watch this documentary. Long before you get to the end, you’ll realise, as I did with mounting horror, that this is absolutely not incompetence. It’s rehearsed and exercises like this have been war gamed for years if not decades. It’ll perhaps change your thoughts as to the origins of this mess and crimes.

Ends: Dr. Yeadon Commentary

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