Georgia Declares State Of Emergency, Authorizes 1,000 National Guard Troops To Atlanta

The Georgia Governor has now declared a state of emergency after an 8-year-old girl was shot and killed in Atlanta yesterday. The National Guard will be deployed to bring about law and order. I did not want to point it out, but we need to. The girl was black and according to reports the shooters were as well.

Why am I pointing it out?

Governments, megacorps, and mainstream media are playing the race game big time. When black on black crimes occur, it is given a blind eye. The only crime that matters is when a white kills a black.

That is wrong, absolutely wrong, and clearly displays a grand agenda going on. We, being Americans of all races are being played the fool. The color of our skin is being used as yet another tool of division. Do not fall for it.

We have been talking about that for months. It should be as clear as day, but apparently it is not.

Back to the Georgia Governor who seemed surprised by all of this. This is what he had to say before sending in the National Guard.

Peaceful protests were hijacked by criminals with a dangerous, destructive agenda”

This guy is a wizard. Where exactly has he been the last couple of months, under a rock? Were there ever peaceful protests? All I seem to remember is criminals destroying America and not being punished for it.

That sort of makes you wonder whose side our politicians are on…

Crimes only make national headlines when they can be used to spin an agenda. Nothing more, nothing less. In Chicago 77 were shot and 14 killed in 48 hours and where is the coverage?

Where are the protests?

There will be no protests, as these are black on black crimes. Therefore, divisive groups cannot foment hate between races, therefore these stories are worthless to the mainstream media. Disgusting.

In related news, listen to this gentleman break up an interview to explain if a white cop killed that little girl chaos would have erupted.

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