Media Apocalypse: News Biz Craters, Want To Guess Why?

Extra, extra, read all about it!

The news business is headed for an “extinction-level event…”

That’s right my friends, the news business, as in the mainstream media is tanking. In fact, it’s all over the news. There’s talk of imminent media doom. The air is filled with numerous reports about layoffs hitting newsrooms all over the place.

Here’s the doomish headlines…

So there you have it, and who can really be upset about it?

It’s not like the news reports anything fulfilling.

They never ask any meaningful questions, neither do they press (I couldn’t help it) our politicians on policy.

They just report doom or propaganda.

It’s all about ratings and controlling a narrative…

That’s why they drum on about the war in Ukraine and Israel, but never ask any tough questions. That’s why they tell you about the hordes of illegals coming over, but they never question the invasion.

Besides whitey, calling it an “invasion” is “racist.”


That’s when you know the news is trash.

Hey, the media should be at the forefront of all of this.

They should question every politician in power and/or those seeking power…

They should be asking,

“Hey bubba, what’s the deal with all the illegals pouring into our nation? Isn’t that a violation of our laws? All of these people are not seeking asylum, they just want to mooch off the system.”

We all know that’s the truth, but you won’t hear the teleprompter reader tell you that.

Hey, the media should put the screws to these cracker jacks in power.

But they don’t.

And they won’t.

It might mess up the billionaire’s bid to obtain even more wealth or their relationships…

Case in point.

The owner of the Los Angeles Times told the editor he hired to put the kibosh on a story he was trying to run.

Guess why?

The story was about a doctor the Times owner knew.

So um, it might tarnish a personal relationship and we can’t be having that.

So hid, bury, and conceal the truth.

If you think the news business doesn’t conceal the truth for a larger agenda. Then you’ll believe anything. The fact of the matter is, the news business is owned by billionaires who ensure articles are published to push their agenda. It’s like their personal PR outfit, to push news that will benefit them and their buddies.

On another note, and interestingly enough, the demise of the news business is thanks to social media giants who stole ad space from newsrooms. In fact, ol Zuckerberg increased his bottom line by $83, count um, $83 billion last year.

Not bad eh?

Speaking of, META’s stock is up 20% today!

Woohoo, let the good times roll.

So yes, the ad space that funded newsrooms was gobbled up by social giants like Google and Facebook. This led to worse newsrooms, and more people flocking to the socials, which rotted our minds with many-o-misconceptions.

Now we look for “truth” from “influencers” that live in the social realms.

How much worse is that than the news?


You know, I find it amusing that we live in the “information age,” but rarely do people have any real “information.”

Ahh, they can share some social media post with you — truthful or not, no one knows — and they become educated by reading “the headlines.”

Good grief.

Social media has made us lazy, lazy, lazy, and far less educated.

You cannot understand a subject by being a headline reader.

If you think you can, well then, I have some oceanfront property I’d like to sell you.

It’s down in Arizona, drop on by.

As you can see, I don’t appreciate agenda-driven news and social media moguls.

You probably don’t either.

So then, is it any surprise the media is facing an “apocalypse?…”

I still recall the days of Covid…

Anything and everything that went against the mainstream narrative was considered “fake news.”

The best part?

It was a revolving door of truth, and the media were the gatekeepers.


Ohh, but now, the news wants you to support them…

Haven’t you noticed that lately?

More and more media outlets are requiring subscriptions to read the news. Many are even requiring logins just to read it. I get it, everyone has to make a buck, but this is happening as revenue has declined so far, that it’s leaving them no other option, except to close their doors.

So then, where did the cash-o-la go?

I already told you!

Ol Zuckerberg, and other social media fat cats.

You know, it cracks me up when people talk about social media, and say how it’s “free.”

Look buddy, nothing in this world is free.

Someone’s paying for it.

As you can see, you’ll soon be paying for the news, while reading your “free” Meta/Facebook account.

Ohh, and a good adage to remember…

If you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product.”

That’s right, nothing is free.

Like all those “free email accounts.”

They’re not free either.

Instead, you’re the product.

All your data is harvested for their gain and betterment.

Ahh, but that’s another subject for another time.

So there you have it…

The news business is cratering thanks to falling revenue. A large part due to social media fat cats and crummy news to begin with. Yet, the future is not so bleak my friends. We can look forward to more AI-generated news, and best of all… Sunday service will be presented by your pastor, and written via an AI script.

Happy Friday!

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