“God’s Will Is No Concern Of This Congress”: Rep. Nadler Says During Equality Act Debate

I would not want to be in Congressman Jerry Nadler’s shoes come Judgement Day. During debate concerning The Equality Act, which later passed. Rep. Greg Stuebe of Florida stated this legislation runs contradictory to the Bible.

Stuebe spoke for all Christians stating,

The gender confusion that exists in our culture today is a clear rejection of God’s good design.

Christian Post

It absolutely is, it is confusion.

Stuebe continues,

Whenever a nation’s laws no longer reflect the standards of God, that nation is in rebellion against Him and will inevitably bear the consequences. And I think we are seeing the consequences of rejecting God in our country today. And this bill speaks directly against what is laid out in Scripture.

I am proud of Congressman Stuebe, plainly stated and irrefutable.

Except for the fact that another Congressmen, Jerry Nadler of New York who is Jewish blew off the statement saying,

Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition ascribes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.

This is beyond disrespectful and made my skin crawl. Nadler shows absolutely no respect for God, Christians, and the First Amendment. Congress cannot make any law, The Equality Act for example, which essentially seeks to outlaw the teaching of God’s Word.

So not only does Nadler not care about God, He does not care about The Constitution he has sworn to uphold.

So what is he doing in office?

Destroying our country.

Why is a Jew, supposedly one of God’s chosen people trashing God?

Nadler’s disregard for God reminded me of so many Scriptures this morning.

Turn your Bible with me to,

Job 21:14
Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.

God’s Word always says it best. This perfectly describes the article we are reading here. This perfectly describes the ways of the world and what it accepts as truth.

Job 21:15
What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what profit should we have, if we pray unto him?

The world is always out for themselves, always out for the moment. They understand God exists even, but do not care about Him, they only care about themselves and how they can promote their wicked ways.

Job 21:22
Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing he judgeth those that are high.

No one can teach God anything, and one day, God will certainly excise Judgement on Jerry Nadler, who today, sits on high.

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