NY Testing ‘COVID Passport’, While Children Suffer

The folks in New York really think they have it figured out. Let’s just keep the COVID-19 paranoia going forever, let’s adapt to it they say. Let’s make daily life even worse for everyone.

Read this from Fox News,

With the limited resumption of sporting events at venues in New York, Madison Square Garden and the Barclays Center will be used as testing grounds for a new digital pass that could confirm the owner’s COVID status. It will confirm an individual’s vaccination or recent negative coronavirus test.

Their “COVID status”?

It sounds like we are talking about our “immigration status” or something here. This is non-sense. No matter what you believe about COVID, it’s going away, period. It’s a virus, and after awhile, people become immune to it. So this con cannot go on forever.

Yet, these clowns are trying to milk it for everything they can. To exert more control over you and your family. I am sorry, there is nothing I need that bad in life that I need to sign up for a COVID Passport. You can just count me out of that one. I will not play into that level of control, it’s just not going to happen.

Meanwhile, Texas and Mississippi have opened back up! Folks, we have psychological warfare playing out, every day it plays out in the news, in the office, in school, you name it.

Are you being conditioned by it, or are you standing against the lies?

Like all states, they only exist on maps. They are imaginary boundaries where rules are different from one place to the next. The dirt is still dirt, the tress are still trees, no matter which state you go to. Yet, we allow ourselves to be compromised by unjust laws and conform to foolishness in order to “fit in”.

Now pro-mask people in Texas will soon stop wearing the mask, because the government said it was okay. In fact, that’s what one Mississipi woman said,

“If he says we don’t have to, then I’m not,” Carrie Kizek said of Gov. Tate Reeves.


We cannot think for ourselves anymore, and due to this hands off approach, our families and children are suffering.

Self-Harm Claims Rise By 333% And Overdoses Are Up 120% Among 13 To 18-Year-Olds

Unfortunately, a lot of young teenagers don’t know what to think. According to the Daily Mail, “self-harm” and “drug overdoes” are up big time among this crowd. The professionals are chaulking it up to the COVID restrictions that have been put in place.

Let’s read a few highlights.

Teenagers and young adults have had their mental health battered by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a vast study of medical records and insurance claims nationwide.

While many act concerned, and wear their wittow maskie to conform to society, all due to an overblown virus, we have real kids who are suffering.

How bad is it?

The study of “32 billion private healthcare claim records” states,

  • Claims related to overdoses increased 119.31 per cent in April 2020, versus April 2019.
  • Women were disproportionately affected, they found: in August, females accounted for 84 per cent of the self harm cases.
  • In the Northeast, there was a 333.93 per cent increase in self harm cases in August, among 13-18 year-olds.

You think it’s normal to lockdown society?

You think it’s normal to shutter our schools and churches?

It’s not just COVID that has caused this, but racism, this notion that white is somehow wrong, and we all need to be “equal” and “inclusive” which is just an excuse to promote the homosexual agenda which runs contrary to God.

In the end, we are all being divided against one another, just like Jesus told us, but who cares about that guy right? He is dead and gone the world says.

I have news for you my friends,

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

Mark 16:19

Jesus sits at the right Hand of God.

As the world continues to abound in delusion, don’t you be a part of it. You recognize the confusion for what it is. You stand with God and stand against the lies.

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