Russia Continues To Ditch Dollar Which Is In 20 Year Decline

Russia’s Vladimir Putin has made it a national goal to reduce dependence on dollars for trade. This kicked off years ago with the rise of the BRICS. It has escalated over the last several years as the United States continues to sanction Russia for various reasons.

Vladimir Putin’s multi-year push to reduce Russia’s exposure to the dollar hit a major milestone as the share of exports sold in the U.S. currency fell below 50% for the first time.


Further, we are told,

Most of the slump in dollar use came from Russia’s trade with China, more than three-quarters of which is now conducted in euros, according to central bank data published late Monday.

We continually hear about this sort of news on the world’s stage. More and more nations are shunning the U.S. dollar, being the reserve currency of the world. Not only are nations shunning the dollar in trade, but also as an investment. This is why the Federal Reserve has to continually step in to buy U.S. debt, as few nations and Americans are willing to do so.

Therefore, the Federal Reserve essentially acts as the banker in a Monopoly game, artificially creating new “money” at a moment’s whim.

One of the major reasons nations are avoiding the dollar is due to the aforementioned which has massively increased U.S. debt, decade after decade. With the U.S. dollar being the reserve currency of the world, this truly creates an unfair trading advantage for our nation. One the United States has abused.

The world’s nations are not stupid, they know this very well.

In fact, this mistrust has led to a 20 year decline in the U.S. dollar which now makes up 60% of the world’s currencies.

This will only continue as the U.S. marches on with infinite stimulus and other social(ist) programs. The point being, our world is dramatically changing. The rules and regulations established in the 1940s are no longer fair and represent the world we live in. We will continually be reminded of these things which will lead to a massive change in our world, beyond what we have already witnessed.

For more on that, we encourage you to read, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World. That really sums up where this is all going. Massive changes that will give rise to more centralized government. We are well on our way.

In the meantime, open the Book, and keep your popcorn hot!

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