Happy Is The Man That Finds Wisdom

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.

Proverbs 3:13

God gives wisdom which is the principal thing we should obtain in life, (Proverbs 2:6, 4:7). When we truly obtain wisdom from God, it makes us happy and increases our understanding. It makes us wiser people in God’s Word and in our daily walk through life.

Yet, all wisdom does not come from God. James tells us, there is wisdom from Heaven, and there is wisdom from the earth, (James 3:13-17, see: How Can You Obtain Wisdom?). At times, we may think we have Heavenly wisdom, but if we are not careful, we just may obtain wisdom from the world.

To ensure we have wisdom from the Heavenly source, I want to look at some of the words in today’s verse.

A Deeper Look At Wisdom

Findeth” means “attain, find or acquire”.

It means we must seek out and ask for wisdom in order to acquire it. We have to put in work to obtain wisdom just as Jesus told us in Matthew 7:7-8. Wisdom will not just show up at our door, no matter what it is we are trying to learn in life.

Wisdom” means, “skillful, wisdom, wisely, wit.”

Wisdom is not having the answer to everything that comes along in life. Wisdom is having “skill” and “wit” that will help you find the answers in life.

Understanding” means, “reason, skilfulness, wisdom.”

Understanding is having a “skill” that helps us use “reason” in order to understand a subject, problem, or dilemma in life. “Reason” is “the power of the mind to think”.

The Truth Will Make You Free

Therefore, in order to possess wisdom, we must ask God. Then we must do the work on our end to “acquire” wisdom which will bless us with “skill and wit” that will help us use “reason” to figure out problems in life. Then we will become the ‘happy man’ Proverbs 3:13 told us about.

If our wisdom brings us fear, sorrow, sadness, and makes us afraid, maybe that wisdom is not from God.

As Jesus said,

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

The truth does not place us in bondage. The truth does not make us fearful and afraid of the world. The truth does not place clouds of discomfort around our mind, body, and soul.

The truth liberates us from darkness. The truth makes us happy men and women. The truth brings joy to our hearts and enables us to walk confidently in this world.

The truth only comes from the wisdom that is acquired from our Heavenly Father. True wisdom makes us happy and productive Christians for God, our families, and our friends.

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