Happy New Year 2021!

With 2020 now in the rearview mirror, we have a new year, a fresh start to do things a little differently; for ourselves, our family, and friends. This new year provides us all with a reset point.

Take advantage of that.

Refresh your mind, spirit, and your relationship with God by trying new things, going to new places, and through a fresh outlook on Bible study. Refresh your relationships with family and friends. Ask God to be a part of this refreshing for your life and then do your part to make those changes.

These are some of the thoughts I want to open with…

Our Walk

I think we all realize, the date change on the calendar is not going to change world events. The problems of last year will still continue to plague us all.

The fact of the matter is, there will always be trouble in life, no one’s walk is perfect. In fact, we define who we are by how we handle our troubles in life.

  • Do we crack and break down at the least sign of trouble?
  • Do we give up when the chips are stacked against us?

I hope and pray not.

I realize the news these days is pretty tough to stomach, and that is a big part of what we do here.

However, the spirit of this website is not dark and depressing. The spirit of this website is about being informed, and using that information as a lamp to light our path through life, (Psalms 119:105). A lamp to ward off the darkness, and keep us confident that we are walking the correct and narrow path through life.

Stand Strong

My point is very simple.

2020 was challenging, frustrating, and certainly unprecedented in many regards. Yet, that does not mean we give up or allow these negative trends to bring us down; mentally or spiritually.

These things will only continue, so be prepared for them, be prepared for the world to hate you…

Remember, Jesus told us to walk the narrow path through life. That means, this path will always be tough. It means if you are on the narrow path, the world will always be against you, just as the world was against Christ, (John 15:19).

Think about that…

Think about what you stood for last year and how it made you feel. Think about how the world responded to the beliefs you hold…

Now go back and read John 15:19 again, and add Luke 6:22 as well. Remember these verses for the entire year. Let them remind you, that you are on the narrow path. Let them comfort you, so you know you are making the right decisions, so you know that you possess the correct beliefs, Christian beliefs.

Let this verse uplift you,

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

No matter what troubles come our way, God is more than capable of providing a way out for us, but we have to hold the line, (1 Corinthians 10:13). The Christian line, we have to stay focused on Christ. Then “all things work together for good to them that love God”.

When we love God, it means we do things His Way. Do not leave that part out, or you will not qualify for the promise God just outlined for us.

Stay focused on God, keep your lamp full, and your head held high.

You can do it, I know you can.

Happy New Year everyone!

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