NY Mayor Celebrated In Times Square While You Stayed At Home

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is seen dancing with his wife in an empty Times Square. It was empty as he put in an illegal mandate that said you had to stay home.

When I watched this video, I had this cold feeling come over me, like I was watching Twilight Zone, but it was real life.

How does this make you feel?

Your elected officials, I do not care if they are Republican or Democrat think they are your kings.

How on earth could any sane or righteous person dance in Times Square while telling you to stay home? I mean, you lead by example folks. If the people cannot do it, neither can you. This really shows how far south things have gone.

While the Democrats go radical left, the Republicans move into the place the Democrats used to be in. I mean we have the President of the United States promoting $2,000 socialist checks here! The President who said he would not sign that pork-filled COVID bill, and then he did anyway.



This nation is toast, it really is.

I want to show you something else.

Look at this chart.

You see that big spike in United States dollars this year?

That is all the money printing that has taken place. That is why we are seeing massive inflation in various assets right now. Housing, is insane right now. Just two weeks ago, I looked at the price of Bitcoin for the heck of it. I could not believe it was $22-24k. This morning, $32k! Inflation!

Meanwhile, commodities with real value like gold and silver remain suppressed. Talk about a rigged system.

This is why our nation is toast. Under a Republican, the debt rose by roughly 30%! A guy that is paraded as some savior. If that’s a savior, you can keep him.

My point is, our elected officials. All of them have caused this. They all brought us this COVID-19 nonsense and gave us fools like Doctor Fauci. The people on the right should be talking about that. They should be asking why the President has not lifted the national emergency he put in place.

Instead, we argue over an election that has always been rigged. We are always distracted from the subjects we should really be discussing.

Heaven have mercy on us all.

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