Here Come The Anti-Aging Pills!

You’ve seen the commercials, there’s a pill for every illness under the sun.

Never mind the side effects that seem worse than the cure.

However, there’s one pill they don’t have yet, an anti-aging pill. You know, a pill that you down every morning at breakfast that keeps you young and vibrant, forever.

  • Who wouldn’t want to stay young, forever?
  • Who wouldn’t want to live, forever?

Well, you’re in luck!

The big shots are putting the final touches on the latest and greatest pill. The aforementioned anti-aging pill. Not only do they promise this latest concoction will keep you from aging, but it will even “reverse the effects of aging.”

That’s right, if you’re already wrinkly, no worries!

Why just leave it to Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Chat GPT’s Sam Altman who have a couple companies working on anti-aging. Why even Peter Thiel is heavily invested in a company called, “the Methuselah Foundation, which has the goal of making ’90 the new 50′.”

“Methuselah,” ohh, nice touch!

So I know what you’re thinking…

When can I get me some of thems thar pills!

You’re going to have to stay alive until 2028 to get your wrinkly hands on them, but don’t worry. They’ll be plenty to go around! Since Bezos is in the game, you’ll probably be able to have them delivered right to your front door, via drone delivery.

Talk about living the high life!

They say ol Bezos has $3, count um $3 billion wrapped up in one anti-aging company.

Some book author named Andrew Steele seems to think,

“With these billionaires, I’m sure some of them are doing it purely for personal gain — they’ve got all this money and they can’t possibly spend it in a single human lifetime.

What a sage!

Steele continues…

But… if you’re a savvy investor, you can see that anti-aging medication is a huge business opportunity because the potential market is every living human.

I think it’s going to be the biggest revolution in medicine since the discovery of antibiotics — and as a savvy business person, you want to be on the leading edge of that revolution.”

Why does this dude sound like a snake oil salesmen?

Hey, if we’re lucky, we can purchase anti-aging pills along with climate credits! I’m quite certain, these folks have not thought the process through. If we extend our lifespan, according to their logic, then we’ll have a bigger effect on the planet, and that’s not good for anyone.

But who cares!

Let’s live while the livings good!

Once again, this whole scenario proves my long held point on world affairs.

It’s all about the cash money.

Always has been, always will be, (Ezekiel 28:16, 1 Timothy 6:10).

Besides, as it turns out, you won’t live forever after all.

Dr Cathy Slack, a biologist from the University of Aston in the UK said,

The goal is to increase the number of years of healthy lifespan rather than extending the late-life period of poor health.”

Daily Mail

What a let down.

So the pills are not going to make us live, forever.

That’s all right, if Cathy didn’t break it to you, I was going to anyway.

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Hebrews 9:27

There it is.

You are appointed to live once and then go back to the Father. Why even Job knew that God created mankind to live for a certain amount of years, and then “tip over” as Dad puts it, (Job 14:5).

Honestly, I feel sort of bad at this point. I provided you with all of this hope in a pill of man, only to swipe away the thoughts of fleshly salvation. So, being the nice guy that I am, I’m going to tell you how you can live, forever.

I’ll even give it to you, free of charge!

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

There it is.

If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He perished to save your soul. Then you will obtain eternal life.

  • No strings attached.
  • No down payment.
  • No fees.

Best of all, there’s no side effects!

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