COVID-19 Is A Lie, States Are Opening Up, And A Personal Story

Now more than ever before, COVID is being revealed for the lie it always was. I ran across a few news stories I want to share with you today. Then, I’ll close with a personal story.

CA Senator Feinstein Proves COVID Is A Lie

Watch this short clip, and remember it was Feinstein who called for the FAA to impose a national face mask mandate. If she was so concerned about COVID, she would practice what she preaches and be wearing a mask.

In reality, she is one of the vermin who seek to ruin our way of life. She knows the survival rate for COVID is 99.98%.

Conservative States Opening Up!

Fantastic news for Florida!

At a press conference on Friday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced the removal of all previously implemented COVID-19 restrictions for his state. DeSantis came to this conclusion after meeting with a group of highly credentialed and respected doctors from America’s top institutions to gather information.

During the discussion, DeSantis asked the professors whether general lockdowns should be off the table. Each expert answered in with a forceful “yes.”


For months, we have heard from respected doctors who have urged to end the lockdowns. Even the CDC has admitted COVID is a farce by explaining the survival rate is 99.98% and less than 10,000 Americans died from the once fear virus.

More Good News!

We have more good news this morning!

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is allowing businesses to open up to 75% capacity. Personally, I would love to see all the illegal restrictions removed.

In Michigan, thousands of Trump supporters attending a rally defied state guidelines and refused to wear face masks. I think this is just fantastic. Many people are beginning to wake up, but we need more brave folks like you to make a stand…

Make A Stand!

At this point, I know many people no longer believe in the face mask propaganda. However, they simply wear a face mask to make life easier. Folks, by continuing to wear the masks you are only enabling the crime being perpetrated against us.

For the record, only South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem got it right from the beginning. She never locked down the state, held Sturgis and life went on!

Take Off The Masks!

It is far past time to take off the masks.

Let me share a story with you.

Last week, my wife had to go into a major shopping chain, in a big city three different times. While face masks were required by the city, she never wore a face mask, period. In fact, each time she went into that store she was the only customer not wearing a face mask.

Every other customer succumbed to the fear and paranoia while she stood her ground. She was never asked to leave, but she did receive plenty of glares from other customers.

When she told me about her story, she said,

It really makes you get a sense for how the end will be. Everyone else complied, only I didn’t.

Sometimes, you have to do things that make you feel uncomfortable. Life is not about being comfortable and cozy all of the time. Sometimes, you have to make a stand for what is right, even if those around you hate you for it.

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