Why Do The Jews Always Have Neighbor Problems?

Have you ever asked yourself that question?

I mean, it seems like the Jews always have some issue with their neighbors.

It doesn’t matter where they live, it doesn’t matter at what point in history we’re talking about. In fact, they’re the only group of people — in world history — that have been expelled from nation after nation throughout history.

You didn’t know that, did you?

Well, please go look it up, it’s very true.

Now look, sometimes you get stuck with crummy neighbors, but when you move to a new neighborhood, if you have crummy neighbors again. Well then, maybe you’re the problem.

Maybe, just maybe you’re the crummy neighbor.

Maybe you’re the trouble maker.

Look, I’ve discussed “The History Of Israel’s Founding” with you. If you read that article, then you can understand why there’s been constant conflict in the Middle East. It’s not just the Arabs, and anyone saying they’re the sole problem, well, they don’t know their history. They just know what the media has fed them.

Most Christians have no clue, I mean zero clue what “Judaism” is all about. It’s the religion of the Jews, which is based on the unholy book called the “Talmud.” This is some of what they believe…

  1. Jews can lie and deceive Gentiles.
  2. Jews can steal from Gentiles.
  3. Jews can murder Gentiles.
  4. Gentiles deserve death for hitting Jews.
  5. Slapping a Jew is like slapping God.

I know you don’t believe that, because your pastor never told you that. However, if you click that link, you can verify what I just wrote right from the Jewish Talmud.

In case you’re wondering, Jews consider non-Jews, Gentiles.

That would be you.

In fact, listen to this Rabbi…

Racist much?

Now the dude…

Excuse me, the Jewish Rabbi just said, all non-Jews deserve to die.

The Jewish Rabbi just said, all non-Jews are idol worshippers, and we deserve death.

Now you’ll have to forgive me, but I think that’s messed up.

In fact, I have a problem with any religion that preaches such drivel, and you wonder why the neighbors of the Jews have a problem with them? Oh, and this isn’t a one off. If you read the link I left about the Talmud, you’ll see all the niceties they say about non-Jews, all the niceties about Christians, and all the niceties about our Lord and Savior.

Yet, Christians have been bamboozled into supporting these people.

In fact, our entire nation has been bamboozled into supporting the State of Israel.

Do you realize, our government is in the process of passing bills that make speech which criticizes Israel “hate speech?” In fact, several states have already passed such legislation. It’s absolutely absurd!

Hate speech for criticizing a foreign nation?

A nation which receives $4 billion dollars in U.S. aid every single year?

Why, why, why!???

The reason…

A huge sect of Christians believe the Jews are God’s chosen people. It’s an old belief that’s beginning to dwindle away with time. The fact is, in the Old Testament, the Israelites were God’s chosen people, and it all started with Abraham, and he was no Jew. Neither was his son Isaac, nor his son Jacob.

I know there’s a bunch of Christians saying,

“Yes they were!”

Well, if you truly believe that, then whip out your Bible and reply in the comments with the verse.

Don’t spend too much time trying to find it though, because it doesn’t exist.

You know, it’s extremely unfortunate that most Christians call all Israelites “Jews,” it’s simply not Biblical accurate. These same people then go on to ridicule you for not supporting “God’s chosen.” It’s unfortunate how so many Christians can be so Biblical illiterate.

I mean, they claim to serve the God of the Bible, but they don’t even know what the Book says.

How can we be “Christian,” when we don’t even know the very basics of the Old Testament?

So get this…

Just the other day I had a reader unsubscribe and they said,

“Your stance on Israel is offensive.”

Yes, truth is offensive these days.

I’ve never said anything about Israel that was untrue.

Now, what they really mean is, I’m saying something just a tad different than their pastor, so I must be wrong. Forget about being a Berean and trying to prove me wrong. Nope, we’ll just rely on whatever the pastor says.

You know, that just kills me!


God’s Word said, the whole world is going to be deceived.

That means, nearly everyone is going to have it wrong.

Now, I’m not saying I’m all right, you all know that, we’ve been down this road. However, when someone says something Biblically based that you don’t agree with. Prove that they are wrong, don’t just write them off because it’s something you never heard before.

That’s just being closed minded.

In reality, denominationalism has destroyed our Christian faith. Our Christian institutions have destroyed our faith. I mean, Christians don’t even know how to study, as we’re not taught. We don’t even know what a sermon really is. Christians just listen to the pastor, no one reads the Bible for themselves.


That’s too much work, instead, we prefer story time.

So, we come to believe the Jews are God’s chosen people, and anyone who says different is wrong.

Why am I telling you all of this?

The Israeli saga has caused many-o-problem in our world. Just a week or so ago, Americans lost billions of dollars in the stock market thanks to Israel and Iran. The market took a major hit, all for a nation smaller than New Jersey, and because Christians wrongly believe the Jews are some special people.

Hey, have you forgotten that God is not a respecter of persons, (Acts 10:34)?

That means God is not racist.

God does not select one race over another.

Instead, He selects you into His Kingdom for your faith and good works that back up your faith. Surely you know that, all Christians know that. So then, why on earth would anyone believe God loves one race of people over another, that’s just foolish.

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

There’s what?

Neither Jew nor Greek, there’s neither Jew, Gentile, male, woman, and so on.


For we are all one in Jesus Christ.

If we accept Jesus, we are counted worthy.

Race has nothing to do with it.

Am I Biblically wrong?


Ohh, but there’s more…

Galatians 3:29
And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Woah nellie, read that one again!

If and only if, you accept Jesus, then you are of Abraham’s seed.

That’s a spiritual statement.

Christians, how are we saved?

By accepting Jesus Christ.

If you don’t accept Him, then you don’t fulfill John 3:16. If you don’t fulfill that, then why on earth would you believe someone of a different race is above you? I mean hey, it’s way past time that we started thinking about this and asking these questions.

They’re not that tough.

When you understand this, these Christian basics, then you can start to understand why I’m upset with our nation sending billions in welfare to Israel. Then you can understand why I’m upset with our nation for sending billions of dollars worth of bullets and bombs to Israel.

With those billions, they’ve allowed Israel to kill tens of thousands of Palestinians. I would much rather we were not involved. Then, if they want to kill each other, let them at it, and no, that’s not isolationist, that’s just not foolish.

Do you realize, even George Washington knew not to get involved in the affairs of other nations?


He said, for you will befriend one nation, but make an enemy out of the other.


Besides, we’re going to all this trouble for the Jews which make up just 2.4% of the American population. Our government wants to ban criticism of Israel, but they didn’t ban the desecration and destruction of our nations historical monuments.

But hey, we’ll do anything for a super minority.

As Christians, it’s time for us to start asking questions. It’s time for us to start understanding Biblical basics for ourselves. It’s time that we started questioning what our pastor teaches. If we’re not willing to do that, then how can we stake our faith on the Bible, if we really don’t know what it says?

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