They Say, Iran Can Now “Produce A Nuclear Bomb”

Yesterday, news broke that Iran is now capable of building a nuclear bomb.

The news spread faster than a sub-variant of COVID, reaching the very edges of cyberspace within moments. There’s just one problem, but I’ll save that for later. First, we must cover this breaking news.

They Say, Iran Can Build The Bomb

According to numerous Western sources, a senior adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Qatar’s al Jazeera TV on Sunday…

“In a few days we were able to enrich uranium up to 60% and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium … Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there has been no decision by Iran to build one.”’

Kamal Kharrazi

For the record, Iran has been enriching uranium at 60% for more than a year. However, you need a 90% enrichment level of uranium to be able to produce a nuclear bomb.

If you’re like most people, there it is right?

Iran is capable of building a nuclear bomb.

There’s just one small problem.

Before I focused on, “Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb,” I thought, according to who?

Fox News says according to al Jazeera TV.

It just so happens, I read a dozen articles on the subject, and they all cite al Jazeera TV as the source for the claim. Not one of these outlets provided a link though. So I put on my super-sleuth hat and headed over to al Jazeera myself.

I couldn’t find a single article or reference to this news. You would think, the pro-Iranian Muslim community would be pretty excited by this news, but nope, not a thing. I even gave Press TV a read, that’s an Iranian state run news outlet.

They failed to mention it as well.


I did find this video clip of Kamal Kharrazi making the claim.

Let’s give it a quick look.

Ahh, so there’s the “confession”.

Don’t tell me I’m the only one who sees the problem?

Kharrazi barely speaks, yet a whole bunch of words were translated in English and pasted on the screen. Here’s another clip. Maybe it was just a quick summary of a larger conversation. Not very creditable though.

Then, there was this about Kharrazi’s quote that bothers me…

In a few days we were able to enrich uranium up to 60% and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium … Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there has been no decision by Iran to build one.

In the first portion of the quote, Kharrazi speaks unified as one with Iran as you would expect using the word “we”. In the next quote, he then references “Iran” in third person. Honestly, it’s like two different people wrote or spoke there.

So folks, as many times as the wool has been pulled over our eyes, you have to forgive me for being skeptical! Personally, if this is all true, then these mainstream outlets should have properly cited al Jazeera with a link. We have no link and nothing that I can find from al Jazeera.

Regardless, if it’s true or not, you always want to be on guard against another setup.

We’ve heard since 1979 that Iran was about to have a nuclear weapon.

Then, how could we forget, George W. Bush told us Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Years later, he joked that they never found any. Nice guy… Untold numbers of Iraqis died, thousands of our own boys, and billions upon billions were spent there during the war.

Ohh, and that’s before we ever discuss Afghanistan.

We already know how that one ended.

Why Is This Significant?

Here’s why…

You heard that right.

Just days prior to the presumed nuclear announcement by Iran, President Joe Biden sat down with Israel’s Channel 12. When asked if Biden would prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons through the use of force

Biden responded, “If it’s the last resort, yes.”

Biden and Israel also signed a joint anti-Iran nuclear declaration, so did Saudi Arabia.

Perfect timing huh?!

As we can see, the plot has thickened.

Iran can suddenly build a nuclear bomb, just days after Biden said he will prevent that through the use of military force. Of course, there is more to building a nuclear bomb than enriching uranium to 90%, but the media has not told you that.

All you need to know is, Iran has the bomb.

I can hear the political pundits already…

  • We must protect Israel!
  • Iran is a terrorist state!
  • We cannot let the “mullahs” have the bomb!
  • Iran has been meddling in the Middle East!

Never mind the fact, the United States is the only nation to ever use a nuclear weapon against another nation. Ohh, and they did it twice. Never mind the fact, the United States is the nation that has been killing and destroying in the Middle East for more than 20 years.

Ahh, but who cares about the minor details?

The Biblical Implications

Yes, I do believe there are Biblical implications here. They tie right into the book of Daniel.

How so?

Let me give you a quick overview.

  • See: “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat”

Daniel 8:6
And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power.

“He” is the goat (symbolic of the West) as the prior verses explain. The ram is symbolic of Iran.

Daniel 8:7
And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand.

“Him” is the goat.

Here we see a conflict of sorts, which leaves the ram, symbolic of Iran in ruins.

While the goat is the victor, he soon meets his own demise.

Daniel 8:8
Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven.

When the Four Winds of Heaven are released, the final events of the Last Days begin to unfold.

That indicates, the Sealing of the Saints has been completed. It means, the Seven Trumpets will begin to sound. It’s the moment when the four beasts of Daniel arise. While a unified global order will be absolute at that time, it will not stand, and lead to the Deadly Wound.

That ushers in Satan and his angels, and then, the Tribulation begins.

Today, we presently stand at a moment in history when the world is at war, and more signs of war are imminent. We stand on the verge of a crumbling global order and financial ruin. This aligns perfectly with our Tribulation series.

We could very well be looking at the Biblical events just described, slowly beginning to unfold.

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