The World Is Descending Into Chaos

You can feel it, can’t you?

Little by little, day by day, our world becomes a bit more unhinged.

Trust in everything is collapsing.

People don’t trust their elections, people don’t trust their governments, people don’t trust each other, and there’s good reason for it all.

  • Elections have always had question marks.
  • Governments have always sought more power.
  • People have always looked out for themselves.

Then we have the global order that is beginning to falter. They call this the “liberal world order”. It’s reached a fever pitch that spews from every nook and cranny.

Yes, radical liberalism has finally reached its crescendo. No longer is this movement content with its finer points. Nope. It’s hell bent on making the world accept gender confusion, institute racial inequality, suppress Christianity, and unleash their green movement on global citizens.

However, it’s hit a brick wall.

The masses are finally beginning to see through the mental instability of liberalism. The events of COVID-19, and the ensuing government response to it has removed the morning fog from the eyes of many.

While globalization has been nursed along by liberal and conservative alike, we now see it coming to a head. Under the guise of COVID-19, governments brought the world unprecedented lockdowns. Then, they cranked up the printing presses to maximum capacity.

Once again, this has left the world on the verge of financial ruin.

Micro shocks have now fragmented our entire world, (Mark 3:24). Not just due to finance, but due to the political divide, the escalation of the green movement, and the United Nations Agenda 2030.

The Farmers

Weeks ago, news broke around the world that Dutch farmers had enough of the green movement in their nation. Farmers began to block roads and highways to plead their case. To ensure the survival of their family, land, and countrymen. Italian and Polish farmers quickly joined ranks.

Here’s a few more details on this unfolding saga.

“New environmental rules” in the Netherlands “say that farmers need to drastically reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions that their livestock produce.”

That’s right, in the Netherlands, they cannot simply trap a cow fart in a bag to be “green”. Essentially, Dutch farmers must cease and desist to save Mother Earth. They must give up their farms to be in compliance with the globalist liberal ideology.


“The fear is that if farmers do not cut 50% of emissions by 2030, these emissions would harm endangered plants, protected habitats and wildlife across the European Union.”


Of course, this is hogwash.

Nothing more than another liberal talking point to idle down society. The radical anti-human globalists want you to believe that livestock, our food source, is destroying the earth. What they really want, is to remove our food source so we are more dependent on the government.

That provides a few with more power over the many.

Yet, without food, people will starve. I suppose there is the alternative, as the World Economic Forum put it, we can eat bugs and weeds instead.

I tell you what, I’ll do that right after the ultra rich do it.

Green Farming…

So let’s ask ourselves…

Is there really such a thing as “green farming” as the libs propose?

Not exactly.

The green movement is a death sentence for the world. Just ask Sri Lanka. Their green farming initiative “went catastrophically wrong”.

“Last April, Rajapaksa’s government made good on that promise, imposing a nationwide ban on the importation and use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and ordering the country’s 2 million farmers to go organic.

The result was brutal and swift. Against claims that organic methods can produce comparable yields to conventional farming, domestic rice production fell 20 percent in just the first six months.”

The rest is history.

No food means hungry people. Sri Lanka ended up defaulting on their debt and the citizens have been in need since. No fuel and no food. That led to riots and the forced ouster of their Prime Minister.

This goes to show you how stupid the liberal ideology is.

Why on earth did they not try a pilot program first?

Radical globalists rarely think about these things in depth. They only focus on their agenda. They push their agenda until it leads to chaos. The chaos that we are seeing in Sri Lanka, and now the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, and of course, Ukraine.

A Hunger Crisis

“The West” has been telling us for months, if Ukraine cannot export their harvest to the world, portions of the world will starve. Clearly, they speak with a forked tongue as the Biden administration continues to funnel billions of dollars to keep the Russian/Ukrainian war alive.

Now look what the United Nations said…

David Beasley, head of the UN World Food Program, explains a “record 345 million acutely hungry people are marching to the brink of starvation,” all due to “soaring fuel and food prices”.

How did we get soaring fuel and food prices?

Globally, via government responses to COVID-19.

We are not running out of food due to “climate change”. We are not running out of food for not meeting “Agenda 2030” goals. We are running out of food and supplies due to the policies and decisions of governments around the world.


In America, it’s extremely popular to blame all of our woes on President Biden, especially inflation. It’s even entertaining for some to do so I suppose, but you see, inflation is a global problem, not just a United States problem.

In fact, inflation in Turkey has hit 80%, and look at these inflation numbers around the world. In Africa, protests are building due to the price of fuel. Without cheap fuel, the price of everything goes up and becomes unreachable for many.

So how have governments, all at the same time been hit with record inflation?

Say it with me…

Government response to COVID-19.

This led to governments around the world printing money in record sums. This made your dollars or national currency worth less through the dilution of said currency. That’s the core financial problem we have today.

This is also leading to more starvation for the poor. Then, add in the lack of food coming out of Ukraine, the disastrous desire to follow Agenda 2030 goals, and we see that it’s governments who are causing our problems once again.


In light of liberal Europe striving to meet their “climate goals,” we recently saw the entire European Union backtrack and label nuclear and gas energy as “green”. More comical, France and Germany have now brought their coal fired power plants out of hibernation to satisfy their need for power.

This tells us, the globalist liberal agenda is doomed to fail. They cannot see past their ideas to see what it means in reality. Perhaps some of these concepts were invented out of devious plots, but overall, we can see that is not the case. Evident through their constant backtracking.

Today, we truly have a plethora of crises all occurring at the same time.

  • An inflation crisis.
  • An economic crisis.
  • A crisis of confidence.

These crises are all converging together, at one point in time. We now hear continual murmurings from the mainstream media about “civil war” in the United States. That’s only sowing more seeds of destruction.

There does not need to be any bloodshed.

What we need is for the Constitution to be respected and followed. We need Red States to continue to exert their sovereignty in light of an overreaching Federal Government. We need to reestablish the Laws of the Land in light of radical liberalism.

It seems doubtful that is the course for world history.

We may just be looking at events of Biblical proportions.

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