Lions, Tigers And… Climate Change

Why it was just a few days ago when Senator Manchin (D) said he’s not voting on climate change bills.

Woooofff! 🔥

There went Señor Biden’s Green New Deal. Smoke never smelled so good!

Yet, that doesn’t stop a dictator like Biden. Nope! With a stroke of a pen, he signed another decree, I mean “Executive Order,” to stop climate change. That’s right, you can stop a natural process God created with the stroke of Biden’s pen, (Genesis 8:22).

Hey, everyday you learn something new!

So what exactly is in this new Executive Action?

I’m glad you ask!

Let’s take a look…

Today, President Biden will reiterate that climate change is a clear and present danger to the United States. Since Congress is not acting on this emergency, President Biden will. In the coming weeks, President Biden will announce additional executive actions to combat this emergency.

President Biden’s Executive Actions on Climate to Address Extreme Heat and Boost Offshore Wind

There you have it.

Biden is going to implement all sorts of executive policies in the weeks to come.


Climate change is now an emergency and Congress is failing to act.

Ah, but we have more!

Today, President Biden is announcing his latest set of executive actions to turn the climate crisis into an opportunity, by creating good-paying jobs in clean energy and lowering costs for families. His actions will protect communities from climate impacts already here, including extreme heat conditions impacting more than 100 million Americans this week, and expand offshore wind opportunities and jobs in the United States.

Folks, that’s what evil people do.

They turn a crisis (even if it’s only perceived) into an opportunity.

President Biden is going to implement policy that is going to protect you from “extreme heat conditions”.

Get outta here! People like Biden are absolutely insane with a capital I.

These people keep talking about man-made climate change like it’s a real thing. They would call me a “denier”. We’ll let me tell you something. Climate change has been a fact since God created this fabulous planet we inhabit.

  • Do you remember something called, dinosaurs?

They croaked due to some form of climate change.

Why do you think these magnificent rocks have layers of various colors?

Geologists believe these rocks are over 1 Billion years old.


Don’t forget, the last ice age ended roughly 12,000 years ago. Sorry folks, we weren’t around for that one.

So where are all of our wise men and women pointing out these obvious facts? Climate change has always existed, and climate change will continue on. Acting like we are the cause or that we can “fix it” is absolutly asinine.

Let me tell you something else.

Every time summer comes around, somewhere around the globe there is record breaking heat. Just about every single year, you can bank on it. That’s when all the climate change nutters crawl out of their dark holes. This year, we have record breaking heat in Europe.

However, when winter rolls around, the climate nutters go back into hibernation!

How quickly they forget about the record breaking cold we had in the United States and Europe last year.

Did they all really forget about these headlines already?

Let’s not forget about the Eurocrats!

Ahh, “we didn’t forget” say the rotten scoundrels, “those are just inconvenient facts Mr. Ward”.

Here’s another inconvenient fact…

That was 86 years ago!

You see, man-made climate change is not really about protecting you from changing temperatures. It’s about brainwashing the public to a radical globalist agenda.

If they can convince you that your actions are causing the demise of planet earth, well then, they can take away what little you may have. They can tax it into oblivion, but you better believe, these hacks will continue to live high off the hog!

Err… Beef!…

Why it was just last night when I found this article titled, “Why I prefer eating grasshoppers to beef”. I burst into laugher and showed the wife.

This is how the article starts,

“For most people in Europe and the US, the idea of eating crickets and grasshoppers can seem revolting, but they are a popular snack in parts of Africa and Asia. Not only are they packed with nutrients but they are less harmful to the climate too.”

Psshhhh… People in Africa and Asia eat them out of necessity.

Guess where the authors from?

The air in my family home in Uganda was filled with a distinct aroma, not dissimilar to the smell of beef being grilled.

Uganda, one of the poorest nations on the planet.

Yet, this guy wants to persuade me to eat bugs when that’s all he’s ever known. I tell you what, he is more than welcome to my bug allotment. He can have mine, my wife’s, and my three kids share as well. We all agreed, free of charge. Hey, we’re the giving type.

You on the other hand will have to make up your own mind…

Will it be steak or bugs?

Tough call ehh?

They want us to consider eating bugs in order to save the planet. That’s why over in the Netherlands, France, Italy and even Germany farmers are protesting. The government is going green which means, no beef for you! No farming for you!

It’s a disaster, so much of a disaster, the Eurocrats are turning back on their coal fired power plants as their green energy policies don’t work. Especially without Russian gas!

So rebel! Rebel I say, against the tyrannical green con men and their brainwashed goons.

By the way, make sure you watch the five minute video from the link about beef and bugs. It truly displays the insanity and you’ll be in store for some sweet treats!

Bon appétit!

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