Israel Is At War For The First Time In 50 Years

Tragedy has once again struck our world.

This time, Israel was caught off guard by a sneak attack from the terrorist group Hamas. We’re told, the attack by Hamas besieged Israel by “land, air, and sea.” The attack also consisted of 5,000 rockets, we’re told a large portion of those rockets penetrated Israel’s air defense system.

The unfortunate carnage has taken the lives of roughly 800 Israelis, not to mention 9 Americans. It’s such a tragic event, it’s being called, “Israel’s 9/11.”

Israel Declares War

Due to the invasion, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “We are at war.” Typically, Israel responds to Hamas with deadly force, as to be expected, but they don’t “declare war.”

But declare war is what Israel has done.

It became official yesterday when Israel’s security cabinet officially declared war. This is the first time since 1973. This is the first time Israel has been hit this hard in 50 years, during the Yom Kipper War.

Israel’s response has been swift.

Video shows buildings in Gaza being leveled. Hundreds upon hundreds of Gazians have already lost their life. We now have reports that 12 rockets have rained down into Israel from Lebanon, fired by Hezbollah.

The conflict continues to intensify…

There are now reports (or rumors) that the Taliban wants to enter the war.

…an appeal was sent to Iran, Iraq, and Jordan, saying that “If other countries give us passage, we will conquer Jerusalem.”

Israel National News

Then we have this from Texas Congressman Michael McCaul,

I’ve seen indications that the Taliban wants to come to liberate Jerusalem, in their words, to fight the Zionists. That’s very concerning.”

This begs the question…

What “indications” has he seen?

Hopefully, they do not originate from the same report that I shared with you.

If this is true, it’s easy to see how the Taliban could become involved. It was just a couple years back that the United States abruptly pulled out of Afghanistan, leaving billions of dollars in arms for, the Taliban to reap.

Don’t let that be a surprise to you and don’t blame it soley on one political party. In fact, the United States has funded and helped create terrorist groups such as:

  • Taliban
  • Al-Qaeda
  • Mujahideen

They’ve been doing it for years.

In fact, Congresswoman Greene is already calling for an investigation into where Hamas obtained their arms. It’s very possible, they are from the United States, and the U.S. provides millions in aid to the Palestinians and billions in aid to Israel.

As usual, today’s U.S. foreign policy creates tomorrow’s troubles.

From there, the present crisis escalates some more…

The United States has placed an entire aircraft carrier group just off the Israeli coast.


No doubt, to deter any nation that considers getting involved in the war.

Russia has already said,

“The risk of third forces becoming involved in this conflict is high.”


The other reason for the U.S. to send the carrier, was to show their solidarity and support for Israel. If this thing begins to spiral, you can expect the United States to get involved in yet another conflict.

All of this has happened in just 72 hours.

Yet, there’s an even more troubleing development to discuss.

Who’s to blame for the attack on Israel?

The Wall Street Journal is already reporting that Iran not only planned the attack, but gave the green light for it.

Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group.”


Iran denies the alligations.

Israel added,

“Senior Israeli security officials have pledged to strike at Iran’s leadership if Tehran is found responsible for killing Israelis.”

So there you have it, right or wrong, the finger is already being pointed at Iran.

That would be Israel’s arch rival.

Iran is a rival that Israel and the United States have said was weeks away from a nuclear bomb for 20 years now. We still wait for Iran to be capable of such development. So you can’t help but wonder if there is more at play here than meets the eye.

I must ask, is there actual evidence or is this all hersey?

It’s a fair question.

We can’t jump to more bloodshed and war based on a hunch or unsubstaniated claims.

We must be certain, as a future attack on Iran would be catestrophic for the world. Such an attack may even be prophectic, and trigger the events of “Daniel’s Vision.”

The finger pointing game doesn’t stop there.

News outlets have lambasted PM Netanyahu.

Those headlines come from Israeli news outlets, and they were spawn from the many scandles and protests under the Netanyahu government.

The failures are many.

As those outlets reported, Israel’s 9/11 comes due to the failure of Israel’s “Military Intelligence and the Shin Bet security service.” Both of these agencies are considered to be world class, but somehow, they managed to miss the signs for a pending attack.

So we have a catastrophic and massive intelligence failure on the part of Israel and the U.S. At this point, that’s neither here nor there, and we must move forward for the moment.

That takes us to the political divide…

Unfortunately, the political propaganda from the left and right has already divided Americans on this issue. In fact, the latest conflict has divided the world over who they support. As with anything in life, I like to look at all sides of an argument or issue and then make a decision.

Today, we’re going to do that.

To the point about Iran possibly being involved…

U.S. President Joe Biden is being blamed for providing Iran with $6 billion dollars. The small caveat here is that Biden didn’t give Iran any money that was not already there’s.

The United States government had seized Iranian assets and those frozen assets were returned to them. Sometime ago, the U.S. froze those assets, just as they have frozen and confiscated Russian assets.

If you’re wise, you realize, this is a part of the United States trying to maintain their dominance over the liberal world order. That’s why they’re funding Ukraine to the tune of billions of dollars a month.

With respect to the U.S. freezing the assets of foreign nations…

Does any nation have the right to steal from another nation, due to political disagreement?

I’ll leave that for you to decide.

But remember this,

  • Everyone on earth thinks they’re the good guy.
  • Everyone on earth thinks they’re right in their beliefs.

Yet, we all cannot be right, can we?

My friends, I don’t want you to become someone’s political pawn. I want you to think deeply about this and all world issues, especally those concerning your faith. And this issue, is directly tied to your faith.

More on that in a moment…

Right now, I want you to ask yourself a question.

I want you to ask yourself,

“Why did Hamas attack Israel?”

Most would answer,

“They’re raging terrorist lunatics!”

There’s no doubt, that’s definetly a part of it, but it’s not all of it.

Let me share something with you…

It would shock most Americans to learn, since 2001,

  • 10,646 Palestinians have been killed by Israelis.
  • 1,329 Israelis have been killed by Palestianians.

Here’s the data which comes from “The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.”

Just because you don’t watch or read about it in the news, doesn’t mean it’s any less real.

You have to realize, a large percentage of U.S. media is owned by the Jewish community. Since Israel recieves billions of dollars a year from the United States, it’s not in their interest to report this data to you.

Unfortunatly, it gets even worse.

Since 1947,

  • Israel has demolished 120,000 Palestianian homes.
  • Palestinians have demolished 7 Israeli homes.

That data comes from “The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.”

Then we have the wounded…

Since 2008,

  • 152,560 Palestinians have been injuried by Israelis.
  • 6,307 Israelis have been injuried by Palestinians.

This data comes from the United Nations.

Perhaps, just perhaps this has something to do with the present affair?

There’s something else that I want to address today…

What I share with you now does not indicate my support for one or more of the parties involved in the war. What I share now is to educate my Christian brothers and sisters so they better understand their faith and the world.

The notion of something called, “Judeo-Christian values” which bind Jews and Christians together is false. I will explain in a moment, but this descriptor has been used for decades to ensure Christians continue to support Israel for better or worse.

In fact, today it’s being used by our own government to continue funneling billions of dollars to Israel every year. Personally, I am against all foreign aid, I think our own nation should be safe and secure before we concern ourselves with other nations.

Think of our southern border.

Unfortuantly, Christians have been led to believe that Ashkenazi Jews are Biblical Israelites.

However, this is not true.

Moreover, the faith of the Jewish people revolves around the Talmud.

A detestible book that says,

  • Jesus Christ is boiling in hot excrement.
  • Jews can murder gentiles.
  • Jews have triumphed over God.

Unfortunatly, Christians have little to no knowledge of the Jewish book called the Talmud. In the link I provided, it cites all the verses from the Talmud that make these claims and some much worse.

It would also shock Christians to learn, Israel is the least religious country in the world. Moreover, Jews treat Christians despicably in Israel, a recent spitting incident is a prime example.

This begs me to ask the question…

Before we devot our unwavering support for someone or some nation,

  • Shouldn’t we understand their beliefs?
  • Shouldn’t we understand what it is we are supporting?

If we don’t do that, then we have unknowingly become someone elses political pawn.

Have we all forgotten the lessons in the New Testament?

Have we forgotten the Book of Acts, and how the Jews treated Paul?


My friends, if we are truly living in the End Times, then you have to expect the delusion of the Last Days will continue and escalate. You cannot hope to obtain the whole truth by tuning into the mainstream or stances based on political persuasion.

The only way to understand the events of our world is to open God’s Word, read, understand, and ask questions. If you fail to do that, you compromise your faith, and you will become a political tool of the evil men who run our world.

I pray for peace, but I know there will be no peace.

We now arrive at another pivotal moment in world history…

The war is Israel could blow over like many times before.


It could turn into the next major conflict to shake our world, and rattle it to the core.

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