Right Has Become Wrong, But Does Our Family Realize It?

The state of our world is in utter disarray.

What’s right and true, has become left and false.

What’s good has become evil, and light has become darkness.

Everything is backwards, everything has been flipped on its head. My friends, on a daily basis, Scriptures like Isaiah 5:20 fulfill themselves time and time again. Our world has been like this for decades, but with each passing day, it escalates a little bit more.

Today, it’s come to a head…

Darkness and evilness have now taken the upper hand in this world. If that were not true, sin would not be embraced as it is today. Sin would not be accepted, sin would not be heralded over righteousness.

But it is…

The remaining Christian faithful are beginning to fret about the state of the world, and their loved ones in it. Just last week, Marcia emailed me to say in part,

“My daughter is a young mother and I try to talk to her about things like LGBTQ and gender issues being taught in school and she has no problem with this. That’s just 1 example of my concerns.”

Just two days later, Darla made a post on the forum titled, “Fear and family.”

Her concern?

“Is anyone else feeling afraid with whats going on in our world? Im not afraid for myself… It’s my daughters and grandchildren I am worried about.”

Christian parents are concerned about their adult children who are not Christian. In some cases, their children have gone with the ways of the world, quickly accepting what the world asks them to accept.

Trust me, Marcia and Darla are not alone.

I get emails like this all the time.

Unfortunately, the world has been given too big of a voice. At times, we allow too much of the world into our homes and families. It seems innocent at first, but it’s not. We can never allow worldly principles into our Christian homes, otherwise, they’ll take root.

Jesus told us many times, “Ye are not of the world,” (John 15:19).

Since we’re not of the world, we have to stay out of the world.

What’s that mean?

It means we cannot be drawn to what the world thinks is “cool” and “hip.” Otherwise, it can overtake our families without us even realizing it. If that were not true, the Christian population would not be dwindling across the globe.

The point my friends, the world has a firm grip on the next generation. A generation of people who continue to veer away from God. I’ve talked about this many times in the past.

This new generation doesn’t walk close with God.

They walk loosely or not at all.

In fact, 30% of Americans don’t identify with any religious group at all. Oh, some of them believe in a god. They look to the stars, or witchcraft, or their own god within themselves.

Yes, religion has been flipped on its head, even for those who, believe.

The fact is, most people realize we didn’t evolve, they do believe some higher power placed us on this planet. However, they don’t believe that higher power is Jehovah, and they don’t believe the Savior is His Son, Jesus Christ.

If we want to play the blame game, we can thank some of this unbelief on religious denominations.

For years, denominations have divided us, there’s so many beliefs out there, I simply lost track. Then, who can forget the never ending supply of church scandals, or churches whose primary concern is extracting dollars from your pocketbook?

As we can see, there’s two sides of the coin here.

Hey, if you’re a part of the younger generation, and all you hear is that all races came from Adam and Eve, Noah’s Flood was global, all while the church is begging for cash, and molesting your children.

It might make you second guess faith in someone called, “Jesus Christ.”

I mean, if those are the actions of “Christian” leaders, then why be a Christian?

It’s a sad state of affairs, isn’t it?

This is what happens when we veer from God.

It’s like a cancer that begins in the body…

In the beginning, it’s unnoticeable. However, as time progresses, the cancer begins to cause problems as it slowly becomes detectable, but at times, it’s too late, and the cancer consumes the entire body. Allowing the world into our Christian faith does the same exact thing.

Our spiritual frame of mind has been infected with a cancerous and wicked world.

This is why we can never allow things against God into our life or our society. There is no room for two faiths, there’s no room for sinful behavior in society if we hope to remain a Christian people. Otherwise, that cancer begins to grow, and over time it takes over.

When I think about societies dwindling faith, I’m reminded of a promise from Jesus.

“Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.”

Luke 21:33

This tells us, the Bible will never cease to exist.

However, how do we reconcile this verse in a world where Christianity is being cast aside?

I believe the answer lies in Matthew 24:14…

“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

Despite our dwindling faith,

  • We have been promised God’s Word will always endure.
  • We have been promised once the Gospel has been preached to all, then the End comes.

One begins to wonder, how far away from that moment can we possibly be?

If another 25-50 years pass us by, there may be but a few souls left who still possess a true belief in God.

Would Christ return to a faithless generation that doesn’t know Him?

It’s doubtful, but here’s some encouraging thoughts for you this morning.

God is more than capable of raising up men and women to be shining examples of our faith, and to lead the flock right back to Him.

Never forget that.

Here’s something else.

By 2033

  • 95% of the world’s population will have a complete Bible in their language.
  • 99.96% of the world’s people will have at least the New Testament.

In the age of the internet, the Bible is accessible all over the planet.

Yet, it continues to be translated into even the smallest of languages. There’s no doubt the Gospel has been preached in all nations, and soon enough, even those small languages will have their own copy of the Gospel.

I hope that inspires you a bit, to know our faith will never cease to exist until Christ returns.

That’s a promise you can take to the bank.

For the parents out there who have adult children who have veered from God…

Continue to pray for your children, and ensure you continually live your life according to the words of this Gospel. As you lead a true Christian life, your children will notice, and one day, they may come running right back to Jesus, (Proverbs 22:6).

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