Does Israel Have A Right To Defend Itself?

I sense some uncertainty among the Christian faithful.

So let’s talk about it…

Does Israel have a right to defend itself?

Let me say it loud and clear.

Yes, Israel has a right to defend itself.

I’ve seen this swirling around out there, even in the media. Everyone has a right to defend themselves, it’s not just God’s Law, it’s natural law, the natural order of things.

Look, if some dude comes busting into your house, eats your dinner, and then takes your wife.

What are you going to do?

Hey, I hope did you something as he was coming through the door. If you sat there, and let him eat your plate… Ohh boy, we need to have a talk.

All jokes aside, we all have a right to defend ourselves.

In fact, Jesus said,

“…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

Luke 22:36


Then, way back in the book of Psalms, we’re told,

He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.”

Psalms 18:34, 2 Samuel 22:35

Who does?

God does.

God taught David’s hands how to war, not just fight, but war.

Oh yeah, there’s a difference.

The Bible even says, there’s a time to break necks, (Ecclesiastes 3:3).

I know, not very PC, but you get the point, and I don’t do PC anyway.

All right, so I just unleashed the whole gambit on you there, didn’t I?

Let me tip my hand a little…

I’ll be publishing a Bible study on self defense in the near future. I’ll get there.

Now, back to the subject at hand.

Israel defending themselves…

Now, what does defending yourself mean?

Just that, it means you handle the dirty work brother.

Hey, if someone comes along and punches you in the mouth, defend yourself. That means you stand up for yourself. Don’t be a punching bag, or the puncher is bound to deliver more punches to your mouth. More punchers will even come along, and make you a grand punchee.

You don’t want that.

So, you grow a backbone, and you stand up for yourself, and your family.

Do you see a theme developing here?

Standing up for yourself, is all about “self.”

It’s self defense.

It’s not you running home and calling up big brother to do your heavy lifting. Ohh no, if you get punched in the mouth, then you’re the boy who needs to deal with your own problems. That’s how you obtain respect and keep your dignity.

It’s the natural order of a man.

So now, bring this all back to Israel, again.

Israel went and got themselves into a scuffle. Ohh, please don’t say they didn’t do anything. If you’ve been a reader for any length of time — if you know history — you know Israel is not exactly innocent in this whole thing.

I’ve gone into detail on that, and I will add a little more today as well.

So, when Israel got punched in the mouth by Hamas, what’s the first thing that happened?

Israel called up their big brother, that would be the United States.

Then came the aircraft carrier and the ships.

Then came another aircraft carrier, and more ships. Then came the air defense batteries, the bullets, the missiles, and bombs which turned Gaza into powder. Israel did not, and has not defended themselves. Everything in their arsenal is American, and paid for by America.

We provide Israel with $4 billion dollars a year.

That’s governmental welfare cash baby.

Who’s paying for it?

If you’re standing in front of the mirror, you have your answer.

So let’s not confuse things here.

If Israel had to do all the heavy lifting, they wouldn’t have acted so boldly all these years. If Israel was defending themselves, they wouldn’t have invaded Gaza, and 13,000 Gazans would still be alive today.

But that’s not what happened.

So let’s all be man and woman enough to call a spade, a spade.

Some are going to pipe up,

“…but the Jews are God’s chosen people.”

Good grief, that’ll never stop.

Nevertheless, I put together a Bible study on Sunday about that topic. If you missed it, please go read it. Talmudic Jews are not God’s chosen, Christians are, those who accept Jesus Christ. It’s all right there in the New Testament folks. Stop listening to men and read The Book.

If we’re all honest with each other, Israel is the darling of the United States due to the above and falsely held notion. That’s why they get so much gravy from the United States.

So that’s all religious stuff, all religious rationale.

How about we remove religion from the argument for a moment?

No matter what you believe, let’s just remove it for a second.

All your religious beliefs aside…

Why does Israel deserve $4 billion dollars — a year — and unwavering U.S. support?

You’re stumped…

So am I.

Israel gives the United States nothing in return, except a bad reputation, and an empty pocket book. Please don’t give me that line,

“They’re the only democracy in the Middle East.”

It’s old, it’s tired, and it’s rubbish.

America needs to worry about America, because her southern border is cracked wide open and her people are divided like never before.

So my point here, Israel has a right to defend itself, not rely on America. If Israel had to go it alone, they probably wouldn’t even be a nation anymore. They don’t have the tech or military capability, they would have been moved to the dustbin of time.

It happens to all nations, period.

Boy, the brutal truth is really coming forth this morning, isn’t it?

I have a bit more for you.

Remember, I said Israel is not exactly innocent in this fight?

We’ve talked about it in the recent past, but let’s talk some more.

Way back in 1947, just before Israel was established, the United Nations put together a proposal. Resolution 181, the map below is the result of this resolution. A resolution to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states.

The world voted on this, and agreed to it.

U.N Resolution 181 – wikipedia
For kicks, Israel land size comparison

Notice, the green area was for the Jews, the orange portion was for the Arabs, the white section was to be under international control. Jerusalem was to be under international control.

There’s just one small problem.

After everyone agreed to the deal and Israel became a nation. Israel decided to renege on the deal! Ohh yeah, they invaded and booted out their Arab neighbors. They broke the United Nations mandate that founded their nation, but the Arabs are the bad guys?

Come on.

Let’s have a looksy at an Israel map today.

Source: Guide of the world

Holy smokes, what happened to the U.N. mandated national boundaries?

Israel erased them, and wiped the Arabs off the map.

Something they always accuse others of wanting to do to them.

Now, let’s zoom in a bit, shall we?

Roughly 20 years ago, Israel left the land of Gaza, and essentially gave it back to the Arabs, call them Palestinians if you want. However, for the last 20 years, Gaza has been under siege by Israel. While Israel left, they control the entire block of land.

Israel blockade of Gaza: wikipedia

To this very day, Israel controls what goes in and out of Gaza via land, air, and sea.

  • For 20 years, Gaza has been under siege.
  • For 20 years, Gaza has been an open air prison.
  • For 20 years, Gaza has been a punching bag.

How on earth would you feel if your neighbor laid siege to your life?

What if your neighbor checked your car and person every time you left your yard?

What would you do?

No, I’m not saying Hamas was justified in their attack on Israel. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just asking you a personal question. I’m trying to add some perspective here. If you have been able to follow along — unbiased — then you might be thinking…

  • Perhaps, we should leave Israel to their own bidding.
  • Perhaps, we should let Israel defend themselves.

If so, then I think we would be in agreement.

In fact, we should let everyone do their own bidding, we should start taking care of America, and stop worrying about every scuffle that breaks out. Because brothers and sisters, we have plenty of our own problems here at home.

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