‘It’s Not Safe’: Parents Of Transgender Kids Plan To Flee Their States As GOP Bills Loom

Several states have already passed bills (roughly 30 could pass similar bills) to prevent biological boys from participating in girl’s sports. This prevents transgender males from competing in female sports and rightfully so.

Yet, NBC is pumping transgender propaganda! This was their headline.

Read this quote,

George and Emily Spurrier are leaving their home of 16 years in central Arkansas due to a new law that will ban the health care that they say their 17-year-old transgender son needs.

We have covered the Arkansas bill, it’s a good thing. It prevents confusion and it’s fair to biological girls.

Let’s get something straight here.

Their 17-year-old transgender son does not “need” anything. In fact, him taking hormone blockers, and so on is not needed, and an act against nature itself. So let’s call it how it is folks.

Parents of “transgender kids” are causing their children undue harm. This is absolutely ridiculous and misguided. Parents are pushing their kids into this belief. When parents are not doing it, their school is. When the school is not doing it, the television is.

The mainstream media and homosexual mafia would like you to believe what Arkansas has done is horrendous.

Here is the gist of it…

Arkansas Governor,

Hutchinson signed a bill into law on March 26 that allows doctors to refuse to treat someone based on their religious or moral beliefs, a measure that advocates say would allow physicians to refuse to treat trans patients even in the emergency room.

Do you see the double standard here?

It’s only about the confused transgenders. To heck with doctors who have morals and religious beliefs.

The facts are the facts, a biological boy can only ever be a boy. It is simply his belief that he is a girl. In reality, he is not a girl, rather a boy with a penis. So let’s cut the bull here.

If your transgender son wants to play dress up with your daughter, that’s your business, but don’t you dare force that on the rest of us. That’s your confused and warped family, not mine. Don’t you paint Christians and those who adhere to the natural order as the insensitive ones.

These transgenders only care about self, plain and simple. We do not play political correctness here, sorry its not going to happen.

More people need to start speaking up and calling it like it is.

Texas is doing just that,

SB 1646, a bill heard in committee in the Texas Senate last week, would redefine the state’s child abuse laws to include “administering, supplying or consenting to provide” “gender transitioning or gender reassignment” procedures to minors. The bill, which resembles a law passed in Arkansas two weeks ago, effectively bans puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone drugs, and sex change surgeries.


So there you have it.

Reach out to your legislators and encourage them to push forward and sign these bills into law. Never give up, that’s not the Christian way.

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