Experts Say COVID-19 Herd Immunity Is Not Possible

Well, how about that. We were told for over a year, if we get the magic vaccine, all would be well in the land. It turns out that is no longer true according to the so-called “experts”. Dr. Fauci is pretty bummed out, so much so, he doesn’t want to talk about herd immunity anymore.

“Rather than concentrating on an elusive number, let’s get as many people vaccinated as quickly as we possibly can,” he said at a White House briefing last week.

USA Today

You see, before the COVID-19 vaccine hype. It was “common knowledge” that a population will develop “herd immunity” by coming in contact with a virus, or vaccination.

Today, that is all thrown out the window. The “experts” now tell us, the only way to obtain “herd immunity” is through vaccination, which of course is a farce. The fact of the matter is very simple. These “experts” are mouthpieces for Big Pharma and overbearing government, even globalists.

There are plenty of real experts we never hear from who do not agree with the vaccines.

You know, the COVID-19 vaccines that give people blood clots, death, and other side effects. In fact, the latest news tell us, the COVID vaccines can even give you herpes. How’s that for an added bonus, sign me up baby!

The negative headlines are now so numerous, the COVID vaccines remind me of those pill commercials. The ones where the pill will stop your headache, but then they tell you; “may cause nose bleeds, heart attacks, or death, etc”.

Ahh the irony!

So Fauci and other hack doctors are bent out of shape as roughly 25% of the population has said, we are not taking the COVID vaccine. Due to that, they are telling us “herd immunity” is not possible.

Since 25% of us refuse the vaccine, that means we are the problem.

There is no eradication at this point, it’s off the table. The only thing we can talk about is control.

Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group.

So for the first time in history, these doctors are telling us the only way for herd immunity is through vaccination. That is a lie designed to “control” your thoughts and beliefs. It is a lie designed to paint the 25% in the colors of the enemy and force more action against those of us who rebuff their polluted vaccines.

So you, as a God fearing thinking individual…

Keep educating yourself about the vaccines. It’s positives and negatives so you can then share that knowledge with others. Knowledge is power. It needs to be accurate and trusted information, however.

Never Fear, God is on the Throne.

P.S. More fear, more hype… US State Department will issue ‘Level 4: Do Not Travel’ advisory for 80% of countries

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