Biden, Don’t Say “Illegal Alien” And Trudeau’s Internet Censorship

This is a quick round up of some articles this morning.

Biden administration bans use of term ‘illegal alien’: ‘The words we use matter’

Employees of the two main U.S. immigration enforcement agencies were directed Monday to stop referring to migrants as “aliens,” a dated term that many people consider offensive. Instead of “illegal aliens,” which was still being used by some government officials in press releases and elsewhere, the employees of CBP and ICE should instead use “undocumented noncitizen” or “undocumented individual,” according to the memos.

Washington Times

So we have the thought police being unleashed on our border agents. This whole thing is insanity. No administration has ever sought to shut down the borders. All you need to do is turn off the welfare programs, but no one ever did it.

Finally, Arizona’s Governor declared a state of emergency over the hordes of illegal aliens coming into the state. The National Guard has now been deployed. Texas has made similar moves. These states must fully lock their border down, period. Forget the Federal government, they will not act, it will never happen and no wall is the answer.

Our nation is being overrun by design in order to destroy it’s culture. Look how bad it’s become already. In New York, it’s acceptable for BLM protestors to tell white folks to get the f*** out of New York. Now that is racist. Simply put, these people are a cancer to society and need to be dealt with.

Trudeau minister says internet censorship bill will make Canadians ‘safer’

Listen to globalist Steven Guilbeault, Trudeau’s Heritage Minister.

“With the legislation we will be tabling, it won’t matter whether or not the company is Canadian,” said Guilbeault. “It won’t matter where the company is registered or where their servers are located.”

“Once a publication is flagged it will have to be taken down within 24 hours of having it being flagged,” he said. “There are not a lot of countries that are doing that right now.”

Guilbeault said that hate speech will “definitely” be a part of the legislation being tabled, as well as other “online harms.”

Post Millennial

Hate speech is anything the government does not agree with. In Canada that would be reading Bible passages that indicate homosexuality is a sin. Apparently, Canada is the new China. Come Lord Jesus come.

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