Kellogg’s Pushes LGBT Agenda To Your Kids At Breakfast

Another day, and we have another company promoting the LGBT agenda to your children. This time it’s at breakfast as Kellogg’s unveils its new “together with pride” breakfast cereal. This will be officially released next month during “Pride Month”.

The news comes from Metro Weekly, a homosexual magazine that ran the headline,

Kellogg’s new LGBTQ cereal wants to fill your mouth with Pride.


Metro Weekly explains,

Resembling heart-shaped Froot Loops, the berry-flavored cereal has an edible glitter coating to really heighten the LGBTQ-ness of it all — because apparently nothing says Pride quite like fruity glitter.

So we can see, from every angle Kellogg’s is trying to pervert our children by wrapping homosexuality into a kid friendly cereal.

Kellogg’s Together With Pride Cereal

Unfortunately, this latest attempt to condition our children to homosexuality is absolutely true. Just visit the Kellogg’s website.

There they explain,

Help us celebrate our 5-year partnership with GLAAD with Together with Pride cereal! For every purchase + receipt upload, Kellogg’s® donates $3 to GLAAD*. Available at a store near you!

Each box of cereal will cost $3.99, so 75% of the sales price will go to GLAAD which stands for “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation”.

There is no way around it, Kellogg’s is brainwashing our children at breakfast time. Not only are they brainwashing our children, but they are donating money to the homosexual cause. If you purchase this cereal, you are donating directly to GLAAD.

All Kellogg Brands

In light of this news, I took the liberty to discover what other brands Kellogg’s owns. According to their All Brands page, they market 38 other brands you should be aware of.

Christians should really consider where they spend their money and who benefits from those dollars.

Should Christians fund their own demise?

I don’t think so.

Christians should purchase the products and services that align with their faith.

Homosexuality Is A Sin

Homosexuality is a sin and God is clearly against it, (Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:27). Yet, more and more people continue to reject God, Biblical ideals, and nature itself. Instead, they choose to go with the ever-changing ways of the world.

Considering what the Bible tells us,

2 Peter 2:6
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;

It makes you wonder how much longer Christians endure the daily onslaught… How many more generations can endure being brainwashed from early on in their youth, until they too, accept the ways of the world…

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