L.A. Fire Captain Refuses Vaccine Mandate In Fearless Speech

Los Angeles Fire Captain Christian Granucci is the latest fed-up American, (video below). Captain Granucci said he and hundreds of other firemen are refusing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate that is being forced on them by the Los Angeles City Council.

Granucci goes into great detail on the battle he and his crew are facing.

“This is tyranny. This is about freedom of choice. The department has said we can seek medical exemption… that is a pie in the sky. We can even seek religious exemptions, but they know they have end-runs around those. The vaccinations will come. And then after that, it will be a booster, and another booster and another booster.

When will this end?

When will this tyranny stop?”

Before you watch. Law enforcement, military members, firefighters, etc. We love you, we need you all. We need to support each other. More Americans continue to voice their disdain and concern. Please do not comply with illegal orders against the American people.

This is now going into dangerous territory. We are all Americans, please stand together. No matter what happens in the world, we must have freedom of choice. We must have free will.

L.A. Fire Captain’s Speech

The hurt, anger, and disgust are written all over his face.

Granucci is like so many of us who know this is not going away. He like so many of us understand this is not about a virus, this is about tyranny and control over Americans and the people of the world.

Governments and the medical establishment have lied to us from the very beginning of this. Many were pressed to get the vaccine early on, now those same people are in danger we are told, and need a third shot.

In fact, Israeli’s Prime Minister just told his citizens to get their third shot, they are in danger. Australian leader Gladys Berejiklian said there is no returning to normal as long as COVID is around.

It becomes obvious, as the narrative would have it, we will need perpetual vaccinations. This keeps us under the thumb of our governments which are in cahoots the world over.

Meanwhile, doctors who refute the narrative are silenced.

This is not science.

This is not a debate.

This is not about our health.

This is about a coup against the free will of the people.

We are living, Rockefeller ‘Future Scenario’ Becomes Reality Of Coronavirus Pandemic.

Fox has covered this story.

Partial Transcript: L.A. Fire Captain

I used to love coming to work. I respected the administration of this department at one point. I even respected the union leadership and now they are in lockstep with total tyranny.

This is not about politics. This is not about left verse right. This is not about red verse blue. This is not about republican or democrat. This isn’t about the vaccinated verses the unvaccinated.

This is tyranny.

This is about freedom of choice.

The department is split. This is what tyrants want. A split down the middle, divide and conquer.

I wouldn’t be able to look at my wife and sons in the eye as they grew up under total tyrannical law and rule. When I had a chance to stop this, a chance to fight, but I did nothing.

This is bigger than me, it’s bigger than LA county, bigger than my union. I don’t recognize this place anymore. I don’t recognize this country, I don’t recognize this state or department anymore.

This is a fight for freedom of choice. Free will. This is a fight against tyranny.

I don’t want to be doing this at the end of my career. I would love to retire in a few years from this department and fade off into the sunset, but you know what? Damnit this landed in our lap and we have to do something. We cannot sit back and let this happen. Let this happen to our country.

Granucci explains, there is a gym owner in Southern California who spoke in front of his city council. The gym owner said, “you told us, just give us two weeks to flatten the curve”.

Granucci continues:

Now, this has gone from two weeks to flatten the curve to show me your papers.

We all see what’s happening here.

I cannot sit idly by anymore.

If things have moved that fast in the last 18 months.

Where the hell will we be in the next 18 months?

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