Lab Grown Meat To Arrive On Your Plate In 2022

It sounds disgusting, but the idea of lab grown meat is catching on. We continue to hear about alternate forms of meat or protein products being introduced to markets. A company based out of Israel called Future Meat plans to…

Ahh, let’s just hear the official spin.

Future Meat Technologies, an industry-leading company developing innovative technology to produce cultured meat, has opened the world’s first industrial cultured meat facility. With the capability to produce 500 kilograms of cultured products a day, equivalent to 5,000 hamburgers, this facility makes scalable cell-based meat production a reality.

Cision Newswire

Notice that buzzword, “cultured meat”.

That’s a good marketing term. Nevertheless, it’s lab grown meat folks, plain and simple.

They brag they do not use “animal serum or genetic modification (non-GMO)” and they can whip those patties out “20-times faster than traditional animal agriculture” can.

Better get the barbecue fired up!

The best part…

The company’s cruelty-free production process is expected to generate 80% less greenhouse emissions and use 99% less land and 96% less freshwater than traditional meat production.

So there you have it.

Lab grown meat is “good for the planet, and good for you”. If they coin that one, I want to know about it.

I know all you vegetarians are snickering over there. I can hear you from here, but in all seriousness, this is pretty disturbing.

What exactly is the “meat” made out of?

Who knows, some scientific concoction that I will have to pass on. Although Tyson Foods didn’t, if you visit the Future Meat website, you will find they are a “partner”.

Better check those chicken nuggets twice folks, does that really look like meat to you…

This whole endeavor truly ties into United Nations Agenda 2030, you know, “Sustainability Development”. Lab grown meat is just that, sustainability through lab grown meat.

If you recall recently, the World Economic Forum promoted eating weeds and worms to save the planet. That would also be sustainable development.

I tell you what, after COVID-19 and the race riots in our country, the radical globalists have made a ton of headway. In fact, many of their goals seem on target for 2030, and lab grown meat is one of them.


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