Forget COVID. Canada Prevents Gatherings To Stop Spread Of “False Information”

Canada is now working to prevent citizens from gathering in order to keep them from spreading “false information”. This is absolutely unbelievable!

You can listen to the video here, and we provided a transcript for your reading pleasure.

A caller asks the government official,

Hi there. Thanks for taking my question. I’m wondering about the adjunction. Public gatherings. And whether they’re weary. Is a need for such a far reaching one, given a trip. We’re on now.

The Canadian globalist responds,

So, I mean, I think it’s still there. We still have, But, you know, for large numbers of people together. It can present some risks. We’ll, we’ll continue to look at that. But I think the other purpose of the injection is to. Is to, prevent, you know, groups that are spreading, deliberately spreading. False information that I can add, but. I see great risk. The information itself if listened to, is great risk to the public as well. So, and that’s that, that certainly is a needs to manage that misinformation campaign as well.

So Canada is admitting, their COVID lockdowns are being used to stifle information which they deem false.

Folks, these are not the words of your daycare provider, these are the words of a government absolutely out of control. This is not how you treat adults! It can become no more clear to us, our leaders have become tyrants who are working to remove our rights.

In fact, Canada is hard at work trying to launch an internet censorship bill.

Global Unification

Since we saw such unification across the globe last year, it can only mean this is a coordinated effort to buck our rights in order to merge the world closer together.

After all, we have never heard such calls to silence the opposition. COVID has made this all possible. In fact, the World Economic Forum recently admitted,

The global pandemic has shone a light on significant domestic and international weaknesses. It also exposed some of the myths and fallacies of conventions used to explain the world. Changes that were already happening have been accelerated, fulfilling in a few months what might have otherwise taken decades.

What Will The World Look Like After COVID-19?

One of these changes has been censorship, where anything that does not toe the mainstream is banished from existence. Canada is really setting an example for tyrants, even limiting people from gathering in order to keep them from discussing the never ending COVID pandemic.

These things must be pointed out and Canadians must stand up and reclaim their rights before they are lost forever.

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