Landmark Danish Study Shows Face Masks Have No Significant Effect

Well hello! The CDC, WHO and numerous scientific journals have been saying the same thing for months now. Nevertheless, this is an important study.

Let’s start with some details.

The ‘Danmask-19 trial’ was conducted in the spring with over 3,000 participants, when the public were not being told to wear masks but other public health measures were in place. Unlike other studies looking at masks, the Danmask study was a randomised controlled trial – making it the highest quality scientific evidence.

The Spectator

So what did they discover?

There was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19. 

So you mean “masking up” did not help “stop the spread”?

Of course not!

This part is also important to take note of.

Some people, of course, did not wear their masks properly. Only 46 per cent of those wearing masks in the trial said they had completely adhered to the rules. 

These people agreed to participate in a clinical study, and even they failed to comply with the rules. How much more then does the average Joe “mask up” properly?

I have seen the maskers.

They are constantly touching them, putting them in their pockets, and then touching their face. On and on it goes. Wake up! It’s a con people.

But even if you only look at people who wore masks ‘exactly as instructed’, this did not make any difference to the results.

Now this is fantastic news to come out.

However the best part, and perhaps one of the scarier thoughts comes next…

There have only been three community trials during the current pandemic comparing the use of masks with various alternatives… The low number of studies into the effect different interventions have on the spread of Covid-19 – a subject of global importance – suggests there is a total lack of interest from governments in pursuing evidence-based medicine.

That statement right there is one of the most alarming thoughts I have read this entire year. This is not news to us, but this is in print from a major publication.

This should make you all stop in your tracks this morning and think about what is happening to our world. We now have second wave lockdowns beginning. We are told to “mask up” and “do your part to stop the spread”.

These are just words, worse, they are words of propaganda to keep you in fear. All based on absolutely nothing! You just read it yourself. There have only been three studies around the globe at this level, and they all say masks do not help.

That means, governments are knowingly and willingly destroying our rights by enforcing illegal mandates all based on false medical advice.

This all started with the White House and worked its way down.

Take off the mask, stop listening to the lies.

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