Let’s Worship Aztec God’s And Chant, Proposes California Dept. Ed.

The headlines these days are amazing. California’s Department of Education is proposing an ethnic studies model that includes chanting the names of Aztec gods, wait for it… To build “unity” among schoolchildren.

That’s right, Jesus Christ is out, but an Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice is in!

The name of this Aztec god is “Tezkatlipoka”.

If you jump over to the World History Encyclopedia, you can learn all about the history of the Aztec culture relating to this god.

I enjoyed the “Tóxcatl Ceremonies” section myself, it explains,

In the month of Tóxcatl… Tezcatlipoca was worshipped in special ceremonies. As with other Aztec religious rites an important part of the ceremony was the impersonation of the god, most often by a prisoner of war, typically the best looking and most courageous one… When the special month finally came around the impersonator was handsomely dressed in a warrior costume… was then ferried to a dedicated temple where he was promptly sacrificed and his heart removed to honour the real Tezcatlipoca.    


Unfortunately, some of you are probably thinking that delves into heathenism. No, my friends. This is honoring “diversity” and remembering the gods of the “native peoples”.

Are you ready to puke yet?

It gets worse.

Chant To The Aztec god Tezkatlipoka

This proposition by the California Department of Education dives into chanting the name of the Aztec god Tezkatlipoka.

Here is a sample.

Seeking the roots of the truth, seeking the truth of the roots, elders and us youth, (youth), critical thinking through. Tezkatlipoka, Tezkatlipoka, x2 smoking mirror, self-reflection Tezkatlipoka.

Fox News seemed to think this video was from one such example of this chanting. I found it pretty disturbing myself.

Give Thanks To Tlazokamati

Another chant reads,

We’re here to transform the world we’re spiraling, rotating & revolving in, giving thanks daily, tlazokamati, giving thanks daily, tlazokamati, healing & transforming as we’re evolving in this universe, universe, of Hunab Ku, Hunab Ku, x2 Nahui OlIin Lak Ech – Panche Beh, Ethnic Studies For All, Represent!!

So the California school system wants to give thanks to a fabled god who enjoys human sacrifice. They want to brainwash your children to accept this.

They want your children to believe we should embrace “diversity” which is just a word used to turn us away from Jesus Christ and common sense. It is a globalist term.

This Course Promotes Racism

In fact, such courses are extremely racist.

The guiding principles included goals including, “celebrate and honor Native People/s of the land and communities of Black Indigenous People of Color.” Another guiding principle read: “Center and place high value on the pre-colonial, ancestral knowledge, narratives, and communal experiences of Native people/s and people of color and groups that are typically marginalized in society.”

The goal is to promote one race of people over another. To place “high value” on the lives of people who lived a heathen lifestyle. A race of people who they say are “marginalized in society”.

That is an outright lie!

Millions of people from every race under the sun have been invited into this nation. For Heavens sake, we just had a black President.

Unfortunately, when you allow too much and uncontrolled immigration into your nation, this is what happens. You begin to change your own culture. Then you are told to be “diverse” and embrace change.

Hey, these folks who feel so marginalized are more than welcome to go back to their “native land” and worship and chant the name of any god they want, but not here. Not in our publically funded school system. Otherwise, open the doors to teachings about Jesus Christ.

The fact is, terms like “diversity” are designed to destroy our way of life. They are designed to pit race against race. They are not designed to build inclusion and cohesiveness as they state with their lips. These are workers of evil deeds who are trying to push this off on you and your family.

They are attempting to use race in order to prevent people from speaking out and being called racists themselves. This is phycological warfare against the people.

Chants Are Energizers

Read this,

The “chants, affirmations, and energizers,” the curriculum read, “can be used as energizers to bring the class together, build unity around ethnic studies principles and values, and to reinvigorate the class following a lesson that may be emotionally taxing or even when student engagement may appear to be low.”

This is brainwashing!

When engagement becomes low, let’s chant to a false god in order to “energize” the class. In order to keep the brainwashing going. This is quite literally the devil’s work.

Speaking of the devil’s work, in Aztec mythology, Tezkatlipoka is the brother of Quetzalcoatl, and even ol Quetzalcoatl is recited in some of these chants.

Do You Know Who Quetzalcoatl Is?

Now, who is the serpent?

Satan, (Revelation 20:2).

Satan who wanted God’s Throne. Satan who wanted to be God, who wishes he was the “Creator of the world and mankind”. Satan who is called the “morning star”, (Job 38:7, Isaiah 14:12). Satan who is symbolic of death, (Hebrews 2:14). Quetzalcóatl who is symbolic of death and resurrection, imitating Jehovah, our Heavenly Father, (1 Samuel 2:6).

There are a lot of similarities there for you to consider.

Nothing New Under The Sun

The Bible is replaying right before your eyes, (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Are you paying attention, are you standing against the lies?

The ancient Israelites did the same thing. They enjoyed God’s Blessings when the times were good, but then they turned away from God during those good times!

Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.

1 Kings 11:7

Molech, a false god.

A god the Israelites killed their own children over by sending them into the fire, (Jeremiah 32:35)! Do not spiritually kill your own children by allowing them to partake in such “educational courses”.

Instead of worshiping and serving our Heavenly Father, the Israelites turned to heathen gods, gods that were not real, gods that were made of stick and stone, (Deuteronomy 4:28). I am sure they were being told in those days, “this is about diversity and being one with our neighbors”.

Friends, you can only be one with God, Jehovah, our Heavenly Father. There is only one way to His Kingdom and Eternal Life, through His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, (John 3:16). There are no compromises, there are no other paths. All other paths lead to the death of your soul.

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