Major European Nations Halt AstraZeneca Vaccine Use & Fauci Says…

A dozen European nations, and several others around the world have temporarily halted the use of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Numerous reports explain the vaccine is causing blood clots in some patients.

Despite the concern, the vaccine manufactures say all is well.

A review of 17 million people in the U.K. and Europe who’ve received the vaccine found that fewer than 40 developed blood clots — “even lower than you’d expect to find in the general population,” AstraZeneca said.


That certainly is low if this review is true and accurate.

I have a hard time believing a dozen or more nations stopped using the vaccine over 40 cases of blood clots. I mean in the United States, the various COVID-19 vaccines have killed more than a thousand people, and they continue to shoot people up with those bad boys.


The incidence of clotting is similar to that seen with all vaccines, CBS News has found, including the Moderna and Pfizer formulas currently being used in the U.S.


Yeah, if the U.S. doesn’t care, we don’t care. All vaccines do that, come on, get with the program already. This reminds me, vaccine manufactures are exempt from lawsuits.

Then we have,

“Many thousands of people develop blood clots annually in the EU for different reasons,” the European Medicines Agency said.


So if a few extra people get blood clots from the vaccine, chalk it up to progress.

They follow up,

The incidence in vaccinated people “seems not to be higher than that seen in the general population.”


“Seems” or “is”?

The European Medicines Agency likes to play word games when it comes to your health.

Now America…

If you feel a little left out, don’t you worry. The AstraZeneca vaccine is coming to America!

In the coming weeks, AstraZeneca is expected to apply for U.S. authorization of its vaccine. The U.S. now relies on Pfizer’s, Moderna’s and Johnson & Johnson’s shots.

Yes, those amazing vaccines have killed 1,534 people and caused major side effects for 31,079 people. Yet, America continues to use these vaccines, to fight a virus with a 99.98% survival rate. Had these people not taken the vaccine, they would still be alive and in good health. This is a travesty.

There is some good news this morning on the COVID front however…

Fauci: U.S. Weighs 3-Foot Distancing Rule, A Major Change

The United States’ top pandemic advisor said Sunday that authorities were considering cutting social distancing rules to three feet (one meter), a move that would change a key tenet of the global fight against Covid-19.


Friends, I kid you not. This is real news.

You know how they came to this conclusion?

Experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were examining a Massachusetts study that found “no substantial difference” in Covid cases in schools observing six-foot and three-foot rules.

The study explains the people wore masks.

Of course, no studies were conducted under similar conditions without masks. I have to point that out, since the CDC, WHO and scientific journals have all said, face masks are not effective and may be harmful.

You know why?

They were not designed to filter small COVID-19 particles, and to add to that, people do not wear the masks right to begin with. A cloth masks is not going to help you, especially when you touch it, put it in your pocket, hang it on your mirror, and you wear it under your nose. The government knows how people wear and handle masks, they are stupid.

Nevertheless, the tools of psychology are hard at work conditioning our mind to obey government’s every whim.

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