The Libs Want You To Accept Pedophiles

Believe it or not, the liberals continue to justify pedophilia. We all said this was going to eventually happen, and each and everyday, we get a step closer.

One more step closer…

Radical liberal, licensed counselor, and sex therapist Miranda Galbreath says, we should say, “minor attracted persons” instead of “pedophiles”. It’s a judgmental word dontchknow.

She goes on to explain, we don’t have a choice if we are heterosexual, homosexual or even a pedophile. That sounds like a lot of excuse making to me.

Let’s hear it from the horses mouth.

So we continually see justifications being made for pedophiles, just as 30-40 years ago justifications were made for homosexuals. We didn’t listen to the warnings then, and look how mixed up our world is today.

So this is the new direction it’s headed.

Ohh… Don’t shake your head and say it won’t happen.

It happened in Sodom.

Genesis 19:4
But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

The wicked people of Sodom came to Lot’s house to have gay sex with the Angels. Yes, the Angels who came to save Lot and his family from those same wicked people.

You see the word “young” there?

It means,

Concretely a boy, from the age of infancy to adolescence; babe, boy, child.

Yes, even little boys had become perverted in Sodom, and they wanted to take part.

Filth, vile filth.

Look at society today, we are allowing radical anti-God liberals to brainwash our children in schools. We are allowing them to pervert our children. We are allowing children as young as 12 to undergo sex changes.

For Heaven’s sake, can’t you see where this is all headed?

The more we put up with people like “Miranda Galbreath,” the more this will go on.

By the way, I did a little fact checking on this gal.

It turns out, she is a member of the “World Professional Association For Transgender Heath”.

This is how organized the liberals are. They have organizations covering anything and everything to advance their perverted ideology. They aren’t content with that. They want you to accept their ideology, or else. We all see it, especially in the age of “cancel culture”.

I took the liberty of visiting their “members” area.

Yep, there are 3,778 “professional” doctors and therapists that are sympathetic to the transgender cause, which also includes, pedophiles.

By the way, I found Miranda Galbreath.

The whole purpose of this “licensed therapist” was to desensitize the evils of pedophilia.

They want you to believe these people don’t have a choice. These people don’t have a choice to be sexually attracted to children. Why do you think they keep teaching our children about filth in schools?

So we all become accustomed to it.

If you ever read the Old Testament and thought, wow those people were stupid!

Just stop right there.

How long have we put up with anti-God crap now?

How long?

How much longer will we continue to do so before we say, “enough is enough”?

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