Green Agenda Weaved Into $750B Inflation Reduction Act

Unfortunately, the Democrats just passed their $750 billion dollar “Inflation Reduction Act”.

With a name like “Inflation Reduction,” you would think it would be focused on, and reduce inflation, right?

Not so.

The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania said,

“The impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero.”

They’re not the only ones.

Multitudes of other organizations are saying this is a terrible bill. What it really amounts to is $369 billion for “green energy,” and a plethora of tax increases. Tax increases that will come from your pocket book.

Ohh, I know… Most of the taxes are aimed at corporations.

They’ll pay for it, right?


Corporations do not pay taxes, you do. Those new taxes will be passed onto you through, price increases. Hey, isn’t that inflation?

***Insert distraction*** Move along, nothing to see here…

So what else is in the “Inflation Reduction Act”?

I’m glad you asked!

How about a summary?

  • $6.5 billion natural gas tax which will increase household energy bills
  • $12 billion crude oil tax which will increase household costs
  • $1.2 billion coal tax which will increase household energy bills
  • Corporate income tax hike on U.S. businesses which will be passed on to households
  • $124 billion stock tax which will hit your nest egg — 401(k)s, IRAs and pension plans
  • 95% federal excise tax on American pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • $52 billion income tax hike on mid-sized & family businesses
  • Supersizing the IRS to increase audits – $124 billion

That list came from Americans for Tax Reform.

It doesn’t sound good, does it?


The Inflation Reduction Act also deals with extending “enhanced Obamacare subsidies”. Say, how could Obamacare still be around after we had a Republican President?

***Insert distraction*** Hey look, there goes a lib!

How about another magnificent list from this less than magnificent bill?

  1. The bill’s giveaway to green energy would increase American reliance on China for rare earth minerals
  2. The legislation increases taxes just as the country is entering a recession
  3. The bill contains many budget gimmicks and fake offsets to mask the cost of the bill. When accounting for these budget tricks, the alleged deficit reduction bill would add $114 billion in debt over ten years
  4. The legislation would add $80 billion in funds to supersize the IRS’s ability to audit Americans. This would especially harm middle-class Americans.
  5. The Inflation Reduction Act contains a “socialist price control regime” to aim to lower drug prices
  6. Expand Obamacare by extending enhanced Obamacare subsidies
  7. Create an “environmental justice solar and wind capacity limitation program” to further the Democrats’ “radical ‘environmental justice’ agenda
  8. $8.45 billion to further “environmental justice in agriculture”
  9. $3 billion for the Department of Transportation to undertake projects to address racism in infrastructure
  10. $5 billion to support $250 billion in Department of Energy loan guarantees and loan refinancing for green energy infrastructure and remediation activities.

If that didn’t turn your stomach, nothing will.

This brief list comes from an in-depth 50 point list by Congressman Jim Banks.

Obviously, we’re not going to dive in on everything. I’m providing you with some resources to dive in yourself. However, I have a couple of bones to pick that I just have to point out here.

Climate Change

What kills me the most about this 775 page bill is the climate change rhetoric. I want to show you a classic example.

This photo comes from Glacier National Park, pre-2020.

Now all the scientific experts said, the glaciers would be gone by 2020 due to climate change. Well, I can tell you from first hand experience, the glaciers are intact at Glacier National Park. In fact, the national park removed the 2020 date of doom, and did the ol switch-a-roo.

I took this picture myself in 2019.

As you can see, now they tell us all the glaciers in the park will be gone by 2030.

Give me a break.

So when the climate doomers are wrong, they simply change the date to keep their fairy tale alive. If you point it out, well, you’re a climate denier.


Let me tell you something else about this climate change racket. The earth has heated and cooled numerous times throughout history.

We all realize there have been numerous ICE AGES.

Now, for there to be various ice ages, that means the earth heated up, in order to melt all that ice, and then the earth froze once again. This was all pre-man. Yet, the climate alarmists want to show you charts and graphs that “prove” man is causing the earth to heat up.

It’s absolutely absurd an insanity. It’s like a death cult, but worse.

Ohh, I have one more bit to share. Hey, you got me going now!

Since our nation has now implemented radical green spending plans. I want you to understand just how moronic it truly is.

Look at this…

This graph charts the global population between China, India and the United States.

This data comes right from the World Bank.

  1. China population: 1,412,360
  2. India population: 1,393,409
  3. United States population: 331,893

You look at that.

  • China and India have 8.5 times more people than the United States.
  • The United States makes up just 4.1% of the global population.

Since China and India are not investing in green energy, and they are not trying to stop climate change

Then what’s the dang point?

Climate change is propaganda. It’s all about implementing a new governance model for the entire world. Not only has earth’s climate always changed, but you have the most populous nations on the planet who don’t give a rip!

Regardless, we cannot make any meaningful difference when only 4.1% of the population contributes.

Internal Revenue Service

Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, our government just armed the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with an additional 87,000 employees.

What will they do?

Audit anything and everything to squeeze every darn penny out of your American pocket.

So that’s where the minds of our politicians are. They are concerned with extracting what little is in your pocket, so it can be transferred to their pocket and their pet projects. We are talking about billions of dollars going to the IRS to make this happen.

Do you know what bothers me the most about this?

Meanwhile, our southern border stays wide open!

When it comes to protecting our nations borders, that’s not a priority. There is no funding or ambition for that. The whole flippin’ thing makes me sticker than a dog.

As Toby Keith once said, “Gotta love this American ride.”

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