How Will The Love Of Many Grow Cold In The End Times?

Name: Keith
Question: I am 51 years old. Just going back to when I was a child, I can remember when 90% of everything you see in today’s society was introduced. Color TV, push button phones, microwave ovens, cell phones, beepers, computers, etc. This is a knowledge explosion. Just in my lifetime.

I have also noticed a difference in people. Attitudes, anger issues, mass murders on a daily basis in the news, people killing their family members, rudeness. People used to wave at each other, help each other, and smile at each other. There seems to be a total loss of love, cold hearts, and hate towards one another. Do you think these are signs of the scrolls or vials or are people demon-possessed? Something for sure is different.

Could you help me with this biblically?

Answer: Thank you for the question Keith.

I concur with your observations. With each passing day, people become more cold-hearted, and they display less compassion for their fellow man. I’ll say, demon-possession has been noted for millennia, but that’s not the trouble we face.

Mankind has created his own problems, not necessarily the Devil or evil spirits. We tend to give them far more credit than we should. The problems we face are due to our rejection of God, just like the Israelites in the Old Testament. It always led them to ruin, and we’re on the same path.

Since the Advent of Jesus Christ, Christians have believed we’re in the End Times. That continues to this very day, but today, there are many signs that we are nearing His Return. While I don’t believe any Trumpets or Vials have been unleashed, this is what we do know…

First, I’ll cover the knowledge explosion, then I’ll dive into “the love of many will grow cold,” and much more.

Knowledge Will Be Increased

In the book of Daniel, he experienced several visions that troubled him greatly. These visions did not correspond to his era, but to those who live in the End Times.

Please turn your Bible with me to,

Daniel 12:4
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Daniel did not understand what he was being shown in the vision.

Fortunately, the Angel did provide Daniel with an interpretation for some of them, but the visions still troubled Daniel greatly.


The vision and the words were sealed by our Father.

However, they are opening up to us in these End Times.

Now, I want you to notice what this fourth verse says,

“Many shall run to and fro.”

Never in the history of mankind have we been able to move from one point on earth to the next so fast.

Think about it.

We have vehicles, trains, planes, ships, you name it.

They transport us quickly, and we even have provisions for our journey along the way. Today, we take this for granted, but think back to life 2,000 years ago, and imagine traveling, much less during inclement weather.

In the modern era, even our minds travel “to and fro.” We have the internet where our thoughts can traverse the entire globe and remain intact online, even after we are gone.

How about,

Knowledge shall be increased?

In the last 50 years, there have been more advancements than during the entire existence of mankind. As a matter of fact, “Moore’s Law” states, each year semi-conductors double in speed and power. This theory has held true for more than 60 years, and we see it in our everyday lives.

  • In 5 years’ time, mankind will become 32 times more advanced than today.
  • In 10 years’ time, mankind will become 1,024 times more advanced than today.

In a world of “AI,” can we even begin to comprehend what that means for the future?

These facts detail the accuracy of prophecy, which continually comes to pass.

When we really take a step back and think about where mankind is, and where we came from, it’s truly amazing. My point is simple, “knowledge” has certainly increased.

The Love Of Many Will Grow Cold

You also alluded to the verse about “the love of many will grow cold” in the End Times.

Turn your Bible with me to,

Matthew 24:12
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Matthew 24 is a chapter about the signs that precede the return of Jesus Christ.

“Iniquity” is wickedness, and it truly turns people cold as ice. We see this every day, there’s a real lack of thought and common courtesy for others.

Today, we live in a fast-paced world, and for most, there’s no time to sit down and enjoy a meal. Instead, we eat in our cars or while we work, and we’re too busy to say hello and socialize with our neighbors. Ah, but there’s always time to interact with our phones and tablets.

Did our Heavenly Father tell us this would happen?

Of course He did…

The Last Days Will Be Perilous

2 Timothy 3:1
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

When will perilous times come?

In the Last Days, and we are living in them.

2 Timothy 3:2
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Does that verse not describe the state of the world?

Today, people are extremely self-centered, and who hasn’t heard of a “selfie?”

It’s a “me, me, me” generation, and how we can obtain more in an instant. Then we have those who boast about a big house, car, or truck, which piles them under a mountain of debt. This forces them to spend even more time away from their family, and God, in order to obtain more money to pay for it all.

Then we wonder why our homes are broken, and our children lack discipline. This only leads to another wreckless generation. One that becomes a little worse than the former.

2 Timothy 3:3
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

When you consider our world today, the verses speak for themselves.

2 Timothy 3:4
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

“Traitors,” like those who sell their countrymen out for a little more money and power.

“Heady,” like those who cannot stop talking about themselves and what they’ve accomplished.

Not to mention, those who place everything above and before God. How men love to live in the moment. Always enjoying a few more seconds of fun, becoming more concerned about their empty moment, than an eternity with our Heavenly Father.

2 Timothy 3:5
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Oh how many profess to be a Christian, but they fail to live a life pleasing to God.

They put on grand acts to make themselves appear righteous, but they just never get around to actually applying Scripture to their life. God cannot use people like that. Even worse, “Christians” like this will find themselves cast into outer darkness, (Matthew 25:30).


Evil spirits are not causing our problems…

Mankind is causing our problems which all stem from lawlessness. Not just a lack of following God’s Laws, but even our own.

It’s a story that’s repeated itself throughout human history. It started with the ancient Israelites who continually turned their back on God, (Judges 2:1-4, 10-11). Turning their back on God, and welcoming the world, including its abominations with open arms.

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