Who’s Pulling The Strings?

The institutions of men are absolutely corrupt.

The modern era has not only made this more evident, but emboldened the behavior of the wicked. When we look at government, academia, the media, health care, finance, the sciences, and even religion, we see the corruption of man.

Everything he touches, and every endeavor he pursues is about self-gain.

It’s about increasing his wealth and power.

Where have I heard that before?

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

1 Timothy 6:10

The problem occurs when we allow wealth and power to lead our decisions, instead of God. The problem arises when we place our own thoughts and agendas before God’s. Our world has become corrupt as we kicked God out of our house, and the Devil moved right on in.

So governments and institutions have become colder and darker.

Our morality slips a little more by the day.

Until, we have no problem telling the world about the wickedness within us.

That brings us to today’s article.

Some time ago, I came across a video titled, “Ghosts In The Machines.” It was published by the U.S. Military’s 4th Psychological Operations Group. The contents of the video are so bold, in your face, and disturbing, you must understand it’s a real video, from the military.

Even the Army Times reported on it.

Ghosts In The Machine

So here’s the clip, and even if you have seen it, watch it again, I have a few things I want to point out, and the video needs to be fresh in your mind.

  • Did you pay close attention to the words displayed on the screen?
  • Did you notice when and how those words were displayed?
  • Did you grasp the imagery that was used with the words and voices?

Do not lose sight of the fact, this video was addressed to you by your government.

Let’s break down the words that appeared in the video. I’ll place their words in quotes.

Have you ever wondered, whose pulling the strings?

The sole point of the video was to advertise psyops to potential candidates, but it reveals so much about our world. They open with a question, and reveal the answer to that question throughout the video.

Born from the ashes of a world at war.

A world at war due to the selfishness of men whose only concern is more gain. All while telling you to cut back and give up more. Yet, these same men own the corporations that pollute our world to no end.

You’ll find us in the shadows.

Evil always lurks in the dark.

At the tip of the speer. A threat arises in the east.

They now show us red China.

This in of itself is more psychological war on your mind. We are continually told China is our great enemy, but who created China to begin with?

Our own government, by allowing unimaginable trade with that nation. By allowing our corporations and jobs to be outsourced to that country. We took the blessings that God gave us, and we gave them to a heathen nation undeserving.

Warfare is evolving and all the worlds a stage.

Warfare is evolving with technology.

Notice how the imagery scrolled across the screen from right to left. Notice how war has changed over time. All the way up to a citizen holding a motive cocktail to someone scrolling their phone.

You are the target.

You are the citizen they hope to manipulate to their agenda and purpose. They accomplish this through many aspects, including social media platforms, and your favorite media or personality which has “the truth”.

The world is a stage, and everything you see is an act.

Anything we touch is a weapon.

Prior to the visual imagery of these words, we hear audio telling us about psychological warfare. We are then shown a microphone, which tells us, we are manipulated through broadcast media.

  • What do you think that means?
  • What media choices do you have?

You have the voices on the left and right, that pit us against each other.

All the world’s a stage…

We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire.

Go back to the video, and watch it carefully along with the words flashed on the screen. They were brilliantly placed to show a uniform message of their manipulation.

We come in many forms.

These words are placed just as a black knight is set on the chessboard.

You should probably know, this is the symbology of a black knight.

The black knight is a literary stock character who masks his identity and that of his liege by not displaying heraldry. Black knights are usually portrayed as villainous figures who use this anonymity for misdeeds.

Your government wishes to be associated with a black knight. A villain who performs wickedness, and hides his allegiance between the state and citizen, so you cannot identify his true intentions.

Back to the words in the video…

We are everywhere, a feeling in the dark, a message in the stars.

The imagery speaks volumes during this segment.

We see people taking part in revolutions. People who were manipulated by propaganda campaigns to do so. That’s why you see the black pawn moved on the chessboard.

Who controls the pawn?

They do.

Who is the pawn?

You are.

We are then given the question we all want to know at this point.

Ghosts in the machine

What are we?

The answer,


verbum vincet


The United States government.

Verbum vincet” means, “The Word Will Conquer.”

Certainly not the word of God, but the lying, cunning word of man that conquers other men through deception.

Your government admitted to your face what you always thought. They are behind everything, they manipulate people, governments, and institutions to make their agenda come to pass. They have been waging a psychological war on your mind for generations.

You are the targeted audience of their agenda.

Government Manipulation

Their self-admission is enough, but we even have reports from the media about this.

The Pentagon has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules.

Washington Post

Even the liberal Washington Post fessed up to some of these facts.

So did Meta, formerly Facebook.

We removed 39 Facebook accounts, 16 Pages, two Groups and 26 accounts on Instagram for violating our policy against coordinated inauthentic behavior.


Who is guilty of “coordinated inauthentic behavior” on social media?

Although the people behind this operation attempted to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the US military.


The United States military.

Meta also found China and Russia playing similar games with the minds of people.

We Are Our Own Worst Enemy

After such revealing details, what can be believed on the world’s stage?

Not much, if anything at all.

The same governments that admit their wicked plans, are the same governments telling us we need a new world order, and that climate change is destroying our planet. Yet, the men who rule the nations and their institutions, are the same men who own the corporations that are polluting our planet.

It’s more psychological warfare to control the state of world affairs.

This is nothing new, just read Nehemiah 9:16-35 for a recap of the Israelite’s sinful priests and kings. We are just repeating the same show from the past. It’s to be expected when you stop living according to God’s principles, and when they are removed from society, this is what you get.

Some people will have great difficulty accepting the disturbing truths presented today.

While others may have bought into a lie pitched to them from the left or right. More often than not, once you have bought into a lie, no matter what it is, you will never see your way out of it. You have a vested interest in the lie that has consumed so many of your years.

A wise man once said,

“It’s easier to fool people, than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.”

That’s such a true statement.

Considering the vile lies and manipulation of our world.

It’s around this time when you realize, just about no one can be trusted. It’s about this time when we need to turn off our machines, and head out into God’s country. It’s just about the only place left where we cannot be manipulated by a man for gain.

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