MSM: Fauci Is The Bad Guy, COVID Is From China

No matter what you thought about the COVID-19 pandemic, you knew one day, it was going to end. If you listened to the government and mainstream media, you hoped to survive it. If you researched official medical reports, you realize it was overhyped from the beginning.

Nevertheless, a touch over a year later, and here we are. How the world has changed…

While China is still being blamed as the source origin of COVID. The specific source is once again up for debate. I won’t bore you with the details. COVID came from a meat market or “leaked” from a lab we are told.

Yet, long ago we discovered Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAD, funded the lab in question, the Wuhan lab in China.

Few cared then, but many are told to care today.

Within the last week, Fauci has continually been painted as the sole enemy for this crisis. As with any event, there must always be a fall guy. Forget about President Trump who declared a national emergency when fifty people died. Forget that President Trump kept Fauci on TV to brainwash all of us…

Now I just lost all the Republican readers.

So goes the typical human mind. We cannot deal with facts or conversations that go against our consensus. It must always be someone else’s problem or some other party’s problem. It’s never our problem. If it were, then we would have to admit fault. It means we would have to change our rationale and… do something.

Instead, it’s someone else’s fault, so that means someone else is to blame, certainly not us, or what we believe in.

Psstt… Everyone else thinks the same thing.

Ah, but I digress, or did I?

Moving on, the media has lambasted Fauci. In fact, all of his COVID-era emails have now been released for your eyes to see. I am sure you have read the ensuing headlines that came from these emails. Fauci knew COVID was hyped, he knew it could have been a lab leak, and he knew there were other treatments.

None of that information was ever made public by Fauci.

Instead, Fauci’s emails document how he enjoyed being the man of the hour and scaring Americans into submission.

So the mainstream media has now built up this new narrative that protects everyone else and throws Fauci under the bus. Fauci is certainly not our friend. Yet, more people need to fall with him, certainly not him alone. Fauci did not have the power to place himself in front of the camera day after day, scaring American’s into wearing masks and treating each other like a virus. The President had that power.

So as you consider this new COVID narrative, I want you to consider something else.

We brought you report after report that indicated how mild COVID was for nearly the entire population. All except those who were old with severe pre-existing illness. Folks, just about anything can harm that class of people. Yet, the mainstream media ignored those reports all from official sources (ie: the CDC).

Instead, the mainstream and social media; condemned, banned, and ostracized those reporting on the official information. They called it “false information” or “misinformation”, and people who continue(d) to obtain their information in these realms remain(ed) pawns in the information war.

This means, COVID was the pandemic that never was. Yet, Fox and CNN will not tell you that. Instead, Fox will tell you it’s Biden and the Democrats fault, and CNN will tell you it’s Trump and the Republican’s fault.

It’s a vicious never ending cycle that keeps Americans divided and in the dark. If you want the real truth, you will have to turn off the true virus, the mainstream and social media hubs of our world. You will have to look at yourself, your beliefs, and those the world presents, and see if they are really true.

A simple task, few if any can actually accomplish.

So, since few, if any will do that. We might as well explain what’s going to happen next. Instead of the mainstream media actually investigating and explaining; COVID was overblown, with governments and the media overreacting. They instead will continue the lie, and pin the blame on a guy or three to cover up their own failures.

The real truth will never become “mainstream”.

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