OBEY Government Or You Will Be Arrested

I never would have thought in my entire life someone would be arrested for going to the beach. Well, that happened in California.

We have all heard about several states releasing prisoners from jail, you know, people who committed real crimes. They did this in order to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Which makes no sense. Release lawbreakers into the population who have no home or job, what could go wrong?

But I digress.

This gentlemen was arrested in California for playing at the beach.

Notice how well the officers in the back are “social distancing”. Folks, this all amounts to a suspension of the Constitution, this is illegal. Your rights have been removed, hopefully temporary. Regardless, it just set a major, major precedent.

Our elected officials have no respect for the people, they treat us as if we are children. Read what this esteemed politician has to say. Pst, he is the Mayor of San Diego.

Stay classy?

That is like being robbed at gun point and being asked to enjoy the experience.

No swimming, no stopping on the beach?

Are we in Kindergarten again folks?

Last time I checked, I left Momma’s house and grew a beard. I do not know, maybe people like a boot on their neck, I certainly do not.

By the way, if you ever wanted to know what tyranny looked like? That is it, and it is here in the United States, but hey, its okay, Coronavirus caused this.

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