Let’s Talk About The Hypocrisy Of “Man-Made” Climate Change!

Good morning!

Get your coffee and gather your sanity, we are going to talk about hypocrisy today. Specifically, the concept of man-made climate change. I always crack up at this idea, that mankind has literally changed the temperature of the globe.

All from the same guys who told us an ice age was coming in the 1970s.

Yet, back in February, we had the “Arctic Vortex” that brought record cold to the United States.

Ahh, an inconvenient truth!

This summer, the libs, I mean our friends on the west coast have had blistering, record-setting heat!

But hey, as the mainstream scientists tell us, that is a part of man-made climate change.

You will have record cold and record heat.

“Ohhh”, we say with gazing wide open eyes.


Snap out of it people!

For every scientist that tells you our pickup trucks make the planet cold and hot, there is another scientist that will tell you (wait for it), “the earth goes through cycles”.

“An interesting concept”, we think to ourselves.

Then we say out loud,

“Gosh Mr. Scientist, could that be why the glaciers that used to be massive have been melting for ten thousand years”.

“Yes”, nods the wise scientist.

But then, we have another Testament to this simple fact, it’s called the Word of God.

What does it tell us?

That the seasons, and day, and night will always exist, (Genesis 8:22).

Alright, I had my fun, let’s move on.

Climate And Environment

For clarity, I need to throw a couple definitions at you, pause for a sip of coffee, okay go.

  • Climate: the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
  • Environment: the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

There we have it.

I do not believe man through our daily activities is changing the “climate”, but I do believe man is changing the “environment”.

I know the climate radicals will tell you different, but I will break this down so you catch my drift.


First off, just last week in Dubai, they did change the “climate”, but they purposely did that through cloud seeding, aka: geo engineering. Now that would be “man-made climate change”.

However, that is not what the radical globalists are talking about. The anti-humanists want you to believe, that through your daily life, ie: your existence, you are causing damage to the earth.

They want you to believe, that you are a pollutant.

Therefore, you should be exterminated from the home that God placed you on.

Of course, the radical globalists do not believe in our Heavenly Father, so that’s a moot point.


Now the “environment”, mankind absolutely affects.

We affect it through pollution, by producing, mining, manufacturing, for 7.8 billion people on the planet.

That’s a lot of people.

Here is a quick example.

58% of Americans have 1-2 televisions in their home, while 39% have three or more!

Think about all the mining, shipping, packaging, manufacturing, and trucking it took to get that television into your home, and chances are, you have 2-3 of them. Now, multiply that by 253 million adults in America (total population 330 million).

Do you catch my drift?

We are talking about millions upon millions of TVs produced each and every year. Of course, most people replace that TV every couple years, so multiply the number.

You you have your smartphones, microwaves, refrigerators, printers, computers, blah, blah, blah.

You get it.

So we are creating a lot of waste, a lot of pollution which is negativing affecting our “environment”, not our “climate”.

Now that we understand all of that, I want to share some news articles with you today.

Here is where more hypocrisy comes in.

Summer of disaster: Extreme weather wreaks havoc worldwide as climate change bears down

I found this article on Yahoo.

That article begins by talking about massive flooding in China and how,

More than 3 million people had been affected by the rain, including 376,000 who were relocated to shelters.


China has a population of 1.4 billion people, and by far, most of those people are compacted in cities.

So what exactly do you expect when you get major floods?

What do you expect when you dam off water ways and change the course of the “environment”?

Common sense angles, that are not provided to you by the mainstream which is controlled by radical globalists. Globalists that are subverting your mind so they can continue to implement Agenda 2030, unabated.

We have more to cover in that article.

Dry and Wet

Scientists have been warning for years that rising temperatures will make dry conditions for wildfires more common in some parts of the world and, in other places, trap more moisture in the atmosphere, leading to heavier rainfall during storms.

For heavens sake people!

That is exactly what I was getting at earlier.

They see dry temperatures in one place, and wet in another, and that’s proof of man-made climate change?

That is absolutely absurd.

Honestly, they just defined cycles of nature.

By the way, as the populations continue to increase in rural areas, you have more people that cause wildfires. This happened all the time where I used to live. Loma Rica, beautiful.

Yet, you had city slickers (no offense) that don’t understand country life. I mean they are pulling their car over into the dry weeds when it’s 100 degrees outside. They forget, their exhaust system is extremely hot.

There goes another fire.

I could write an article on this, but I rather rag on the people who want to exterminate us.

So, there is more!

Extreme Temps

They begin talking about the wildfires in the Pacific Northwest,

Where hundreds of people are believed to have died from the extreme temperatures


Wait a second here.

Did hundreds of people actually die, or did someone slip in a propaganda pill?

“Believed” to have died is not evidence of death by fire is it?

Do you see how our enemies sow their agenda into our mind?

We Predicted It

Look at this guy pat himself on the back…

All of this was predicted in climate science decades ago,” said John P. Holdren, a professor of environmental policy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

I almost spit out my coffee on this one!

Predicted it decades ago?

No sir, decades ago you told us it was man made global cooling!

Get off your high horse buddy.

Agenda 2030

Last week, the European Union proposed sweeping legislation aimed at cutting emissions by more than half of 1990 levels by 2030 through the phasing out of gasoline and diesel cars and the imposition of tariffs on imports from polluting countries.

When do they want to have this all implemented?

By 2030 of course…

The United Nations Agenda 2030 program, sustainable living.

*** Insert internal thoughts ***, “2030, 2030, where have I heard that before”…

Ahh, yes, and you wonder why the world is going to H, E, double hockey sticks in a handbasket?

We have monsters on our hands, they call them politicians and mega-corps who are driving a globalist agenda, while they say you are the cause of our problems.

These are the same people who own the companies making your television and the pickup truck you buy.

The same companies that don’t mind making a buck off your back, but want to shame you for breathing.

I’m not done yet.

Global Warming Is Almost…

Scientists say global warming almost certainly exacerbated the conditions for the floods that ravaged Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands last week


Do you see the propaganda?

Do you see the seeds they are sowing into your mind here?

‘Global warming is “almost” certainly’…

Now if the floods were caused by man made global warming, then it would not be “almost” certain would it?

Either they know, or they don’t know.

So they are admitting, they don’t know, instead, they are just guessing.

Better said, they are purposely deceiving you to drive home their agenda.

How about this one, it’s from the same article…

Virtual Heat Waves

Scientists at the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization said it was virtually impossible for the heat waves in the U.S. and Canada to have occurred without the influence of human-caused climate change.

Hey, you got to hand it to the author here.

He is a professional seed sower of lies and sleight of hand, kind of like someone else I once read about, (Joh 8:44, 2 Co 11:14, Mat 13:39).

So it is possible (probably, likely) the heat waves are a part of the course of nature, a part of the sun and earth’s natural cycles they have been going through for millions of years.

That just does not fit the narrative, so people like the kind author inserts the phrase “virtually impossible”, to make it sound like you are the bad guy.

While the globalist companies reap billions in profits, and tell you what you can and cannot do. Tell you what freedoms you can and cannot have, and tell you what taxes you will pay.

In reality, all these globalists have is, a guess.

Or worse, blatant propaganda to support man made climate change, which means we need Agenda 2030 protocols initiated across the entire globe.

Hence, why Europe and California are implementing no gasoline car mandates.

Man Made Environment Change

Before you continue, top off that coffee!

While we are continually bombarded with news, that our daily existence is causing the demise of our planet, we rarely hear about “environmental” catastrophes that are due to mega corporations.

You know why?

The leaders of the world, and those with power, run those companies, and that would be another, inconvenient truth.

Remember we talked about manufacturing and transporting those televisions to your house?

That’s not the only thing…

A lagoon in Argentina’s southern Patagonia region has turned bright pink in a striking, but frightful phenomenon experts and activists blame on pollution by a chemical used to preserve prawns for export.



I am sure the color is not the only side effect, sort of like those “COVID” vaccines huh?

Thought you were going to make it through without reading that word didntcha!?

Man Made Environment Catastrophes

Then we have other catastrophes that we never hear about;

For the kind folk of the south, for decades their forests continue to die due to beetles that were accidentally carried over from foreign lands.

Their forests continue to be overcome by the Kudzu vine, brought over from foreign lands, by man, on purpose, to stop erosion.

Then, any table salt you buy these days has plastic in it.

You know why?

That salt came from the ocean, and the ocean is filled with so much plastic, it has broken down into microparticles that cannot be separated from the salt.

So if you like salt, buy Himalayan Salt which comes from the mountains.

You can thank the globalists for these things.

You can thank those who thought they knew what they were talking about, but, it turned out, they were wrong. The same radical groups who today, continue to say, you are a cancer on the earth. All while they reap profits at your expense, and the expense of the earth.

Did God talk about those people?

He certainly did.

And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Revelation 11:18
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