Oil Crisis: The Industry Begins Shut Down

Continental Resources, North Dakota’s largest producer of oil has notified its customers they cannot deliver oil at the current prices. All drilling and most of the oil wells have now shut down.

This is due to the excess in the markets. Oil reserves are so full, oil tankers are being used to store the oil off the coast of various nations.

Bloomberg news adds,

The specter of production shut-downs — and the impact they will have on jobs, companies, their banks, and local economies — was one of the reasons that spurred world leaders to join forces to cut production in an orderly way.

The same world leaders who created this mess.

Look, the people running our nations and the businesses are not stupid people. They knew shutting down the global economy would create such a disaster, you would have to be brainless to not know that.

Now everyone is acting surprised, everyone is playing their part real good. This is not a surprise, not even close.

This is a manufactured crisis, this is a choreographed collapse of our world’s economic system.

The “choreographed economic, political and social disintegration of our current global structure that is symbolically the Goat of Daniel 8“.

So there you have it, before a Deadly Wound. You will see a collapse of the current global structure which gives rise to a New World Order, and that order will receive a Deadly Wound.

The point in all of this, it is not an accident. Economically smart people do not make stupid mistakes like this. They would like you to believe this is the biggest “mistake” in world history. In reality, it is a choreographed event.

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