World’s Biggest Central Banks Meet as Pressure Mounts to Do More

The U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan and European Central Bank all hold meetings this week. It is expected more Central Bank purchasing of debt will continue to new record levels.

Strait Times News explains,

The BOJ set the tone Monday by scrapping a limitation on buying government bonds and ramped up its purchases of corporate debt.

That would be the Bank of Japan. They have begun quantitative easing to infinity. They will continue to bailout whoever needs to be bailed out no matter the cost.

Friends, there is not enough money in the world. Japan does not have this kind of money, just like the United States does not have this kind of money. The U.S. is in record debt, there are no surpluses. Remember, these are Central Banks, which are private banks in the case of the U.S. Federal Reserve providing this non-existent money.

No one has the kind of money needed to bailout the nations, that type of money does not exist, which means the debt never should have existed either. How can you have more debt than is able to be paid with money?

Debt is supposed to be relative to the amount of assets, but the fractional reserve banking system destroyed that concept a very long time ago.

Read this quote from the same article.

“The extremity of the virus crisis is forcing central banks to push the limits of the possible,” said Tom Orlik, chief economist at Bloomberg Economics.

Do not lose sight of the facts, the Coronavirus did not shut down our world. Our leaders did that, they did that. They shut it down costing many of you your job. Now the debts have grown even more, without money coming in, people cannot pay their bills.

This is not looking good at all.

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