Tyson Foods: ‘The Food Supply Chain Is Breaking’ As Plants Close

Tyson Foods is stating millions of pounds of meat will disappear from supply chains as meat plants close due to the Coronavirus crisis.

Who is buying this load?

They are saying this will lead to shortages at the stores now. Tyson is not the first to close down processing plants, we have heard about other plants closing as well.

Why six weeks into this are they now closing down the plants? The fear has spread so far and wide, no one can think anymore. They just react. May I suggest, the DELUSION has spread so far and wide, (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

If this is not an example of the destruction of the current global structure, I do not know what is. This virus did not cause this, the response of the nations caused this, over a Coronavirus that kills just 0.1% of those infected!

Snap out of it folks, they have pulled the wool over your eyes. Remove the wool, ask questions, and educate those who will listen.

Looking Forward

As the weeks move on, the news will focus on the economic damage that has been caused by the lockdown of the world. I do not think they are going to let the Coronavirus go away, they are going to milk it for all its worth.

Yet, the news will primarily shift to economics. They will tell us what dire danger we are in, they will explain what all the kings horses and all the kings men are doing to fix ol Humpty.

Then, they just may tell us, they cannot put him back together again.

Do you know what that could mean?

It will not be tomorrow, but it certainly could be knocking on our door.

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