Oregon Now Requires Businesses To Verify Vaccination Status Of Patrons

Ol Commie Kate is at it again. Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s latest decree says businesses are now required to verify the vaccination status of individuals who enter a place of business or church without a mask.

All despite the CDC’s latest guideline change that says, off with the masks!

Oregon has lifted its mask mandate for people who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, but is requiring businesses, workplaces and houses of worship to verify the vaccination status of individuals before they enter buildings without a mask.

The Oregon Health Authority said in new guidance on Tuesday that effective immediately, businesses would be required to continue to enforce mask requirements unless they had established a policy to confirm proof of vaccination using a card or photo of one before individuals can enter the building without a mask.

NY Times


This is going to fall on deaf ears. Businesses tried that in the beginning, asking people to wear masks and some people flipped out. That led to businesses changing their policies and standing silent, though signs stating masks were required remained in place.

In fact, you could always go into these places of business without a mask.

It’s time citizens of liberal states say enough is enough. It’s time everyone said enough is enough.

Folks, do you realize, in free America, you can go into restaurants where employees do not wear face masks, and next to none of the patrons do?

Texas would be one of those states. In fact, Texas recently recorded 0 COVID-19 deaths and they were one of the first states to shed the illegal COVID mandates.

Yet, people like Kate Brown initially told us we needed to follow the facts and adhere to the CDC’s guidelines. Remember that? Now ol Brownie does not want to follow the CDC guidelines and instead, she is coming up with her own. It really makes you question her insanity.

I wonder if Oregonians are reaching for their tar and feathers yet…

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