Our Government Has Dementia

For the last year and a half, the actions of our Federal Government represent those of a patient with dementia. The government has clearly displayed an inability to perform its daily functions.

We are going to read the definition of “dementia”.

This will provide you a better understanding of the discussion at hand.

Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning — to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities.

A patient with dementia slowly loses their “cognitive function”, which means, they can no longer “think”, “reason” or ‘perform their daily activities’.

This definition defines the actions of our Federal Government.

I want to provide some examples.

Face Masks

Rewind the clock back to early 2020.

Our Federal Government broke the news, a pandemic had gripped the world, COVID-19. Americans were suddenly forced to relinquish some of their freedoms, all in the name of peace and safety.

This came in the form of mask mandates and social distancing initiatives that were directed by the Federal Government, which trickled down to state and local levels. It was unprecedented, many of us were in shock as the crisis unfolded.

Most Americans didn’t know what to think, but they trusted in the doctors who led press conference after press conference, answering questions as the situation unfolded.

America’s top medical professionals were placed before us by our President to explain, face masks would protect us, and stop the spread of the virus. Face masks suddenly became the new accessory everyone was wearing.

Yet, the same people telling us that face masks would protect us, were the same people telling us face masks were not effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19. They even indicated, face masks can contribute to the spread, and face masks provided a false sense of security.

For me, this was a clear example of governmental dementia.

The government proved, they did not have the ability to “think” or “reason” rationally. This was a clear sign, the government was unable to perform its “daily activities”.

Some Americans took notice, but not enough, so the crisis raged on.

Vaccines Will Save Us

The government went on to explain, due to the pandemic; lockdowns and social distancing guidelines would remain in place until there was an appropriate vaccine to halt the crisis. The government stated, vaccination would end the crisis.

This was troublesome, as COVID-19 was sold to us as the Black Plague, yet, it was anything but. In fact, what defined a COVID-19 case was even ambiguous. Further, from the beginning, the CDC told us COVID-19 primarily threatened the elderly who had compromised health.

They explained, most people would recover fine at home without medical care.

Yet, the lockdowns continued, the social distancing continued, along with mask mandates.

Once again, the Federal Government failed the people.

They demonstrated they lacked the ability to “think” or “reason”, they demonstrated they could not perform their “daily activities” which directed the course of our entire nation.

As the crisis raged, it led to economic calamity, crime, violence, and the division and destruction of families, and our nation. It led to reckless government spending and socialist programs that benefited those who did not earn their “entitlement”.

All over a virus with a 99.98% survival rate, statistics which came from the CDC.

Vaccination Is Not The Answer

This brings us to the present.

As of today, 57.2% of America has been vaccinated with 49.4% being fully vaccinated. Yet, news has spread like wildfire, COVID-19 and its various variants are rapidly increasing.

Other reports indicated, COVID-19 has increased the most in communities with higher vaccination rates.

This prompted many of us to ask ourselves,

“How could the virus suddenly spread so rapidly if over half of the population has been vaccinated?”

Recently, numerous doctors have come forward to explain, The Vaccine Is Causing The Virus To Be More Infectious. The doctor who made this statement is none other than Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine. The same technology COVID-19 vaccines use.

In fact, Dr. Malone stated, every single Coronavirus vaccine campaign has been a failure in humans and in animals. Dr. Malone recommended the vaccine campaign be halted, and instead, we use drugs as a treatment where necessary.

The Federal Government once again failed the people. The same government that pressed the vaccine initiative and brought it forward. The same government that promised us the vaccine program would end the crisis, instead, the vaccine program has exacerbated the crisis.

Yet, the government is still unable or unwilling to see this reality. They are unable to “think” or “reason” and the government is now beginning to force its mentally degraded will on the people.

Government Mandated Vaccinations

The CDC has now brought back face mask mandates for all, including the vaccinated. A massive reversal of everything they told us in the past.

Days ago, the Department of Veterans Affairs mandated vaccination.

Yesterday, President Biden pressed forward with a vaccine mandate for Federal workers. Biden is now dictating to Federal employees. Biden is declaring Federal employees must take the vaccine that is causing the current crisis, or face employment restrictions.

This is coercion at the worst and ignorance in the least. It will lead to private companies feeling the push to create their own vaccine mandates. This will affect more and more Americans. It will remove our sovereignty concerning a crisis that truly never was.

The events of the last year and a half have led up to this moment.

I fear we are at a defining moment in American history. A defining moment where the “cognitive function” of our President is now being called into question. A President who is pursuing more mandates, a President that is pursuing, essentially, forced vaccinations.

My fellow Americans, my brothers and sisters in Christ,

How long can we allow the dementia stricken patient known as our Federal Government to rule over us?

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